Astrology Forecast April 29 – May 5th New Moon in Taurus

Monday April 29th the big news of the day is Saturn’s station. As of 8:54 pm ET Saturn will officially be retrograde till September 17th. Over the last few weeks while Saturn has been slowing down to make his change of direction I am pretty certain you would have heard a lot of differing opinions of what Saturn and the retrograde of Saturn means. There are traditional meanings that instill fear in so many people and I always find that hard to swallow. Does Saturn create fear and stress and coldness and restrictions? Yes it can feel this way at first, or all of the time if you are one to buy into only the negative side of things. Yes it can bring up old patterns and habits that have never served you well but are still present. Saturn lessons are about facing our fears and creating a new sense of self awareness.

Personally I have been using Saturn my whole life to advance me forward. To help me become the expert I am, to be the teacher and leader in my work. We need the presence of Saturn to make us aware so we can release old patterns and fear of not being enough.
I am pretty certain over the rest of the year as Saturn and Pluto are retrograding through Capricorn with the south lunar node hanging out with them, we will hear a lot of news that is meant to create fear. Don’t fall for it, today or any day. You know your life, you know where you are safe and secure. Stay in that place, be centered, and follow your instincts to the success that you know is yours.

Also on Monday the 29th and more so on Tuesday the 30th the Pisces Moon is softening the edges for us.  Even though we may not be accomplishing huge goals right now thanks to Saturn’s stationary to retrograde motion, we can however see the bigger picture and allow things that have a life of their own to continue to flow.

Tuesday with the Moon connecting to Mars in Gemini and a conjunction to Neptune along with many other transits, if we allow our imaginations to soar we may be amazed at the information that will flow to us. Meditation will be a big help today as well as relaxing or listening to the music you love.
But on a day like today some people might find it hard to focus if you are not good at going with the flow and are task oriented. That will change shortly when the Moon enters Aries.

Wednesday May 1st Mercury in Aries is contacting Mars and Saturn early in the morning on the east coast, middle of the night for you west coast folks. This is very action oriented no more just going with the flow. The Moon enters Aries at 6:24 am ET and we will hit the floor running this morning. Or maybe you didn’t sleep well last night due to these transits and you feel as if you were running all night. This will vary from person to person but the overall energy of Wednesday feels very action oriented, we need to speak up and say what is on our minds and then take action.

Thursday May 2nd the Moon now in her balsamic phase and in Aries is cleaning up any leftovers. This period of the month always feels like we need to hurry and finish what we are working on. Add in the fiery energy of Aries and we will be tying up loose ends all over the place. With the aspect the Moon makes to Venus we are deciding what we value and with the aspect to Saturn we may need to let go of something we fear so we can take a step forward.
Mercury in Aries is also in play today so expect a lot of conversations and information to be brought to our attention.

Friday May 3rd as the Moon finishes her travels through Aries and still in the balsamic lunar phase we are being made aware of information that needs to be released and cleaned up.
The Moon enters Taurus at 4:18 pm ET but still in the final lunar phase and about to conjunct Uranus a few hours later. This is a big opportunity to let go of some very old ways of doing things right now. What we value is going through a big shift over the coming years with Uranus in Taurus but with this minor lunar connection with Uranus tonight can help us on a personal level see what that opportunity might be.
I know there is always huge news out there about world powers, large banks, food shortages or whatever else they can come up with, but my focus is on what you and I can do with all the astrological noise coming at us. It is simple in some ways. Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, value your opinion, change were you feel it is necessary and turn off the TV.

On Saturday May 4th with the New Moon in Taurus, at 6:45 pm ET we can shift our focus from letting things go to what I want to bring into my life now. I love this new Moon every year because it is an opportunity for all of to manifest our deepest desires. Whether it is new car, new cloths or to find a place to grow your food, there are perfect opportunities with this New Moon to set those goals and take steps toward them. Remember every New Moon starts a long cycle that takes 3 years to complete so if you have time add in a long range goal to your wish list.
 Sunday May 5th we can continue to create new goals for ourselves. But we do have one difficult aspect on Sunday that may slow some of us down. This aspect is a quincunx between Mars and Pluto. We also have Mars and Jupiter in opposition to each other which will amplify the connection between Mars and Pluto.
As the Moon continues her passage through Taurus on
So what can we expect with all these aspects? With Mars and Jupiter we feel the need to take action and accomplish something; I find it a very useful transit. The quincunx of Mars and Pluto however is more challenging taking action feels tentative, like taking two steps forward then one step back evaluate, pause, allow, and then take action again. In another way the quincunx aspect process goes like this focus, allow, transform and focus once again, repeat. It can feel very difficult for many people but productive for others.

So stay in your lane and focus on your needs and desires.


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