Magical Practice of the Day 4/5/19

Happy Friday!!We are in the New Moon in Aries!!! Take time to view the New Moon in Aries Ritual & Intentions Video it is Powerful Shift!!. Make sure to share, like and watch!!..and it is up on the Blog as well..The Daily Fresh Tarot Card Reading is up too for the day!! come back in the evening and see how it aligns with your day!! and Journal!.. the Magic Word Wake up : Continually without pause or cessation; unceasingly. How do you see yourself? Are you able to honestly evaluate yourself and your behavior and not come under condemnation? Are you able to loo at how far you still have to go but also look at how far you have come? Where you are now is not where you will end up. If working on Your High Self In Touch with your Spiritual Being, you are somewhere on the path of the awakening. You may not b as far along as you would like to be , but thank The Source the Divine the Creator of the Universe you are on the path.. Enjoy the where you are right now and don't get jealous of where others may be. They had to pass through where you are at some time themselves.Happy New Moon in Aries..the waning Moon and first quarter!! the color for today is Rose and Incense for the element of Fire is the planet is Venus and friendship is a great aspect to reflect on today.... You are so Beautiful!!! believe that!!.... Love & Namaste.. EclipticSpritualist...


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