The Magical Practice & Spirit Wake Up Word of the day

Happy MoonDay Monday! Everyone!!.... "The Spirit Wake up Word for the day :Led;An obsequious follower or attendant. For Many people their security, peace and joy are connected to their circumstances. If things are going well, they fell loved but if they are not going well then they think God The Source doesn't love them or that they are being punished.We may not be able to control what thoughts pop into our minds or what feelings arise in our hearts but we can control what we do with those thoughts or feelings .We can be led by the Spirit from Within..So take control over negative feelings and emotions submit them to The Source the Divine and stand.. Just Stand... choose to Affirm yourself with Words that create in your Life..... The Magical Practice of the Day: Moon Sign is Pisces and the moon phase in the Fourth Quarter and waning Moon the color for the day is Lavender and the element of fire burn for the day Incense Hyssop


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