August 19th – August 25th Sun – Venus – Mars in Virgo

Monday and Tuesday August 19th and 20th we have the Moon in the sign of Aries this is always a very fiery and motivating time of the month for just about everybody. With the moon in this sign for both of these days we’re being encouraged to communicate what it is that we’re passionate about, to take steps towards those things that we have interest in, and to use the connection the Moon makes the Saturn on Monday and Pluto on Tuesday to clear the deck of things that are wasting your time.
Wednesday and Thursday with the moon in the sign of Taurus that gives us opportunities to slow down and truly define what it is that we value. Of course what each and every one of us values is different so look at your own life decide what’s important for you that you will be working on over the next couple days.
Wednesday the 21st we also have Venus entering the sign of Virgo; stepping out of her Leo attire from the last 3 weeks which can be flashy and loud but makes it easy for us to express what we are passionate about. Now that she’s moved into Virgo we will feel the need to organize, define and refine the processes we began and created over the last few weeks.
Thursday August 22nd the big news of the day is that the Sun is at the final degree of Leo. So if you feeling a sense of high anxiety or high excitement this is the reason. Whenever planets are at the final degree of a zodiac sign there’s a sense of urgency in the air so don’t be surprised if you feel that and if there’s something you can take action on today then do it.
Friday August 23rd the Sun enters the sign of Virgo and the Moon is in Gemini both of these are Mercury ruled zodiac signs and that is fantastic because now we get to define and refine what it is we want in our lives even more especially since Venus and Mars are also in that sign now too.
So over the weekend with Venus and Mars conjunct we have opportunities and will be inspired to organize things and to figure out how to get back into more of our daily routines. This is very typical for this time of year.
We are highly motivated to organize and define exactly what it is we want and need.
When the moon enters the sign of Cancer Sunday night August 25th the shift is to nest and stay home for personal comfort.


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