Full Moon Gemini December 11/12 Weekly Astrology December 9 – 15 2019

Monday December 9th the news of the day is Mercury finally leaves Scorpio he’s been in this sign for 10 weeks, that included a retrograde, digging up all of those deep hidden thoughts and feelings so we can address what is possible to address and transform them into forgiveness or understanding, so we can release. Such an intense time for many people.
On a different note some of us have used this same Scorpio energy as a time for opportunity to do research and dig deep to discover things we needed to know. Researching to write a paper, a book or any project that needed a lot of time to understand.
Now that Mercury is in Sagittarius as of 4:42 AM ET Monday December 9th, let’s exhale let’s play and have fun and explore our world in Sagittarius manner take the next 3 weeks and study something new, read something you’ve never read, watch a movie in a Genre that you’ve never watched. This is the curious mind of Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius, play with it and have fun.
Some say Mercury in Sagittarius is in its detriment meaning it’s not a great place for it. But I feel any planet in any sign can be used in a positive way and it is not always a good idea to immediately focus on what is wrong with a sign. Mercury may be the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, but he can still express himself in any sign. So be prepared for more truth to shine through, be honest with yourself and those you care about. Because sometimes when Mercury is in Sagittarius we can easily say anything that is on our mind with no filter. (Ok that is one of the side effects of Mercury in Sag). So be enlightened enjoy life explore things you’ve never explored before discovering and playing with your curiosity. We can be doing all of these things while we have other aspects going on that I will cover next.
Tuesday December 10th the Moon enters Gemini, I could almost repeat myself here. I have been talking about Mercury in Sag so far but now that the Moon is in Gemini we went to talk and express ourselves even more. The Moon is about Full so we can expect a lot of talking, communications, travel around town, making plans and feeling lighthearted as long as we feel we are being heard.
Wednesday December 11th while we are still working with the Moon in Gemini, we also have Venus in Capricorn conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. This feels a little heavier than the lighthearted Gemini but we needed it. When Venus and Saturn come together in this sign it is an opportunity to settle down, to see what is solid, to solidify a relationship or settle something financial. This transit is applying all week up to 5:05 am ET today.
Today on the West coast 9:12 PM PT and December 12th 12:12 AM ET on the East coast we have the Full Moon in Gemini at 19 degrees. This Full is the mate of the New Moon near this degree on June 13, 2018. Did you set some goals on that New Moon? If so, you would be seeing the results at this point. The Full Moon represents illumination and awareness, in the sign of Gemini illumination and awareness around a thought, plans, ideas, interactions with others. Personal choices and personal wants and needs. To have a Full Moon we have to have the Sun in the opposite sign and that means Sagittarius, this sign is all about the bigger picture of life, seeing from a grander perspective. This Full Moon may allow you to see what it is you need personally in your everyday life. It can show you a way to communicate that with those around you. It is an opportunity to speak, write express yourself through your words more easily than usual. Plus, the planet that rules this sign is Mercury and his nature is a bit altered right now as I have explained in the beginning of this forecast. This whole week feels a lot like Gemini so don’t hold back, listen communicate and share what is on your mind.
The other news of the week is on Friday December 13th Mars is at 15 degrees of Scorpio in a trine aspect with Neptune. First, let me explain something, 15 degrees of the fixed signs is an important area of the zodiac because it represents the halfway mark of a season. It is a turning point and can be a stress point as well, but just for that one degree, the 15th degree of all the fixed signs. Mars in Scorpio is happy here though he gets to play with familiar energy, his current duties include stirring up more of what Mercury retrograde may have begun a few weeks back. Mars says now is the time to act since we can’t really forget what is on our minds. The trine to Neptune today is easy and encourages us to take the higher road, engage your compassion if needed and forgive if possible. Of course, Scorpio never forgets but can forgive and the hardest person to forgive sometimes is ourselves.
Saturday is much of the same but late in the day and into Sunday we have the Moon in Leo. This is energizing and creative so play and have fun in some area of your life.
Sunday December 15th the big aspect today, and we have been feeling this all week as well, is Jupiter in Capricorn trine to Uranus in Taurus. This is an earth trine so we can feel somewhat grounded but that is not the nature of Uranus and Jupiter is not yet comfortable in Capricorn. But what we may receive with this connect is inspiration, innovative thoughts and ideas. We may not be able to use them right away but I recommend you write it down because any new thought an idea that comes in during this transit is here for a reason even if we need to hang on to it for a little while.


  1. Wow! You are indeed knowledgeable. I have just learned quite a bit, still, I truly want to absorb this information, so I will be coming back again until I know it well. I love and appreciate you Dear Lady. I am sending loving positive thoughts to you and your loved ones. Joy, Peace!


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