Astrology Forecast March 11-17 Working with Mercury Retrograde

Astrology Forecast March 11-17 Working with Mercury Retrograde

Monday March 11th 
with the Moon in the earth sign of Taurus we get a little help feeling grounded. With so much focus on how hard it is to do anything while Mercury is retrograde in Pisces, as well as the Sun and Neptune being in that sign we should feel very grateful that we have something to help stabilized life at the moment and feel good about it. The Moon in Taurus is very happy in this sign so being grounded, doing things that make you feel good, eating great food, buying things that make you feel better are all ways the Moon is going to help us feel more stabilized today.
During the day we will also feel motivation to take action between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm ET thanks to the Moon’s connections to Mars and then Saturn.
This is can be a very productive day as long as we stay in that place of trust and allow whatever has momentum to take the lead.

Just to add a little bit about Mercury retrograde. Working toward something you have been dreaming about is a productive way we can use today’s transits.

Moving on to Tuesday March 12th. The main news for today is the Moon entering Gemini just before Noon ET. This is an active placement for the Moon to be in and she will be in this talkative sign for a couple days. The Moon is analytical and quick witted in this sign so keep paper and pen near. You never know when those moments of inspiration will show up. And since Gemini is one of Mercury’s ruling signs expect, over the next few days, to have a lot of emotionally charged conversations. If you are not a fan of taking about how you feel then write it out. It is important that we use the energies as they present themselves and not hold back. And the Moon in this sign wants us to communicate how we are feeling.

Wednesday March 13th the Moon is still in Gemini so keep up the communicating. With The Sun in Pisces connecting with Pluto in the morning 10:29 am ET and Jupiter in the evening at 9:29 pm ET, I want you to be open and receptive to new ideas and thoughts that may occur at any time today because the transits are set up perfectly for us to get a glimpse of something that is coming, something that can help you to shift your beliefs so change can happen. This is how we grow by changing what we are focusing on and believing in.
All you have to do is think back to when you were younger and the things you believed in then are not always the same things you believe now. This is what I am talking about. This is what today is about.

Thursday March 14th the final aspect the Moon makes in the sign of Gemini is a square with Mercury retrograde at 8:30 am ET. The Moon will be “Void of Course” from this moment on until it enters Cancer at 5:49 pm ET. What does this mean? It means we need to be on our toes, stay aware of misunderstandings and don’t over react. We have help with this so all is not lost.

During the day Mars in Taurus will make a trine aspect to Saturn in Capricorn. These two malefic planets in earth signs are cooperating today and a few days on either side of today. Together they are focused, determined, goal orientated and will keep us focused on the task at hand whatever it is for you.

Later in the evening the Moon, now in Cancer, makes an easy connection to Uranus in Taurus at 6:30 pm ET. Opening up our minds to more new ideas and inspiration that may be connected to Sunday morning March 10th, when the Moon was conjunct Uranus. Did you start anything new on that day? Were you inspired to do something you have not done in a long time or ever? The sextile today between Moon and Uranus is an opportunity to take the next step, whatever that is.

Tonight at 9:48 pm ET the Sun and Mercury are conjunct, it is an exact conjunction so it may be a busy news night or you might feel wiped out by this time from a long day of talking and listening.

Friday March 15th Mercury and Jupiter will be squaring off today. This transit can produce a fair amount of misunderstandings so be sure and take your time to be as clear as possible when speaking to others.
Now as you might know there are always positive ways to use every transit. For this one we might be inspired to meditation more today, listen to pleasing music, walk the beach or sit by the lake.
Whether one thing happens or the other we can be certain Jupiter will inflate your current life situation. It is important for us to stay in our place of love and remain grounded.

Saturday March 16th the Moon in her own sign of Cancer today and that means some of us might feel like staying home and nesting. With the Moon moving fast right now and connecting with almost all of the other planets today it may feel like a very emotional day, covering every aspect of life. By the time the Moon enters Leo at 8:57 pm ET we will be ready to tell everyone how we feel. This fiery Moon sign does not hold back if there are emotions that need expressing so Saturday night could be a battle field for some  or a passionate encounter for others.
During the day Saturday we also have Mercury and Pluto sextile. This helps us to keep the channels open to deep conversations that the Cancer Moon inspires. There could be a lot of healing done today.

Sunday March 17th we have a couple things to focus on, first we have Mercury making sextiles to Mars, Saturn and Pluto for the next 2 days, plus the Moon in Leo.
Today there are no lunar aspects at all so we can use the Moon in Leo in a very positive way, by being creative and passionate.

Let’s address Mercury retrograde and at the midpoint between Mars and Saturn and Pluto. With these transits we have some deep conversations, thoughts or ideas that can surface today or tomorrow. We never get the whole message when Mercury is retrograde so take notes, write out what you are thinking about or the messages you are receiving and wait.
With Mercury retrograding we can be certain that any messages and information obtained during this retrograde period will look very different from the other direction when he turns around and comes back to this location in April.
Talking, communicating, messaging will be abundant today, take notes and then wait till the next visit the first week in April to make any commitments.


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