New Moon in Gemini Astrology Forecast June 3rd – June 9th 2019

Listen completely before speaking is the theme of the New Moon this month. It is my favorite time of year being that I am Gemini and I hope you enjoy it too.
Monday June 3rd we start this week off early in the morning 6:02 am ET with the New Moon at 12 degrees of Gemini. Every month we have an opportunity to bring something new into our lives. To spend a little time setting goals and focusing on what it is we want to manifest. This month’s new cycle is based on communication, gathering information, being social, our neighborhood, siblings, youth and the innocence of childhood. We may also want to set goals based on receiving and sharing information.
It is so important to listen with this New Moon and not speak too soon. Allow what you are hearing to sink in before responding.

This New Moon also connects with two other planets and that creates a pattern we call a Mutable “T” square between; Sun/Moon – Neptune – Jupiter. So besides what I have already mentioned about the New Moon in Gemini we may also be feeling overloaded with too much information coming at us at one time which in turn, thanks to Jupiter and Neptune we may feel overly sensitive too. Listening and not responding is the best way to handle this if you feel overloaded. Take notes if that is appropriate and respond and respond later in time.

We also have 5 planets in their own signs on Monday, Mercury Gemini, Venus Taurus, Jupiter Sagittarius, Saturn Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces.  Even though we may be feeling overwhelmed somewhere in life, having all these planets in the signs they are in charge of means we should still feel comfortable over all with what is going on around us. There is nothing specific just a generalized feeling.

Tuesday June 4th the Moon, Mercury and Mars are in Cancer now; this means we need share how we feel with those around us. We will all have an emotional connection to what we are engaged in, how we speak and interact with others. All this Cancer energy is asking us to connect emotionally. Emotional subjects will show up in the local news and possibly spark strong interactions between people.

A totally different way this could play out as well is if you are inclined as a writer these aspects are a fantastic opportunity to start a writing project you are emotionally connected to.

Wednesday June 5th The Moon conjunct Mars is like putting water on fire or the opposite could be true. Which will you do? Too much water on fire and it goes out, we lose our passion. But if we add fire to water then we can cook, get warm or clean ourselves. It can be a very a productive time depending on how we use this. If we go too far and choose not to be productive it is like a pot boiling over, emotions boiling over. It could be a very emotional day for some so to avoid an explosion of emotions make sure and do little things that help you express how you are feeling throughout the day so you don’t have to have a big emotional burst of energy.

Thursday June 6th with the Moon Void of Course from 10:10 am – 3:16 pm ET whatever momentum you started your day with is what will carry you through till the Moon enters Leo at 3:16 pm ET. During the afternoon and evening we will find our passion once again and the spark of creativity is alive.

Friday June 7th the Moon is still in Leo so if you are feeling that creative spark make sure and let it continue to thrive. Mercury will make a sextile to Uranus today as well and this means we are open to receiving new information. The details depend on the placement of this in your chart.

Saturday June 8th Fridays’ energy is carried into today as well so do something you are inspired to do, beautify your home or gardens and create. The Moon will enter Virgo at 5:45 pm ET which is very earth energy and this will stay with us all weekend into Sunday June 9th. We do however have the Sun square to Neptune on Sunday. This transit can bring about many different feelings, we may feel relaxed, spacey and unsure of things or we may feel like going with the flow and not being too grounded after all. Over all Sunday looks like it will be a good day to do some work and have some down time to relax.


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