Magical Practice of the Day 3/19/2019

Are! you ready for Today!!! Tuesday and we got a great day ahead !! Why because if you are reading this that means it is another day to conquer your day!!! .... Yes it is !Today's Fresh Daily Tarot Card reading is up!! Hop to it!! Get your pens and Journals ready to go!! This weeks Astro Forecast is up here is the link make sure you subscribe too! https://eclipticspiritualist7.blogspo... Navigate through this week with the Cosmos!! ... We got a The Super Full Moon and Spring Equinox!!! So important I will do a video on!! we need to get ready!! Practitioners.............. it will come on Wednesday.. with the Spring Equinox!! Today's Moon is in Virgo and we are on the second quarter waxing moon... The color for today is Gray and the incense to burn for your fire element is Geranium........ So lets go!! and get ready........ for this!!!


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