Spring Equinox March 20 – Super Full Moon Libra plus the weekly Forecast March 18 – 24

For the week of March 18th we have some busy days and some not so busy days. The highlight of the week is Wednesday with the Spring Equinox and another Super Full Moon. Let me tell you all about it so read on.

Monday March 18th the waxing Moon is in creative, passionate and fiery Leo. While in this sign she is making many aspects to other planets and that means the day will be filled with multiple opportunities to be expressive and creative, especially if you are an early bird. If that is you Monday morning is definitely a day to get up early and take advantage of this creative period. The first aspect after Sun rise on the east coast is Moon square Mars. This can feel like tension and stress but it doesn’t have to bad. Think of it like this, you have been sitting down for a long time and now it is time to get up, it is important that you take your time and move slowly, because who isn’t stiff after sitting down too long? Get your feet under you find your balance. If you move to fast with a transit like this you might hurt yourself or lash out at others. If you can stay in a higher vibration this morning, this transit can help us to simple move forward where we may have felt stuck. By the time we get to 11:00 am ET the Moon and Jupiter are in a fire trine and that is fantastic motivation. I hope you have a project or something to put this energy toward. We are in the Gibbous lunar phase moving toward the Full Moon and at that means we are perfecting whatever we are currently involved in.

The Moon will be unaspected after this point for the rest of day so that means the momentum we picked up this morning is what we will carry all the way to the end of the day.

At 9:41 pm ET the Moon will enter Virgo and our focus shifts to putting things in order as much as we can. We have two full days of the Moon in Virgo so take advantage of it and organize where you feel it is needed.

Tuesday March 19th is much of the same, focusing in on as many details as we can. If you have no projects to work on when the Moon is in Virgo we might also take some extra time to focus on our health and wellness plus our diet.

Wednesday March 20th is the Mother Lode day of this week. It holds the Super Full Moon and the Spring Equinox which I will get too shortly. I would like to start with the first non-lunar aspect which is Mars trine Pluto. This energy has been building for days and it peaks this morning 7:41 am ET. Now when Mars and Pluto are together they are not always pleasant or easy, but when I see them in an easy aspect, in the same element as they are here I like it. Both are in an earth sign that is grounded, practical and does not waste time. The trine aspect means there is an easy flow between them and the motivation Mars brings to the table means we can take action. So the question is, where do you take action, what is the detail of this? That answer can be found in your chart if you know the house placement of these two planets. But generally speaking we are able to simply take action where we see we can. No fighting battles today, if you know you can do something that is important to you then do it. If something feels too hard save it for another day.

At 10:00 am ET the Moon will move into position and complete a grand trine in the element of earth. This placement of the Moon helps in grounding us even more. The best way to be grounded or to settle down is to be present. Feel your feet in shoes, your shirt on your back, and the wind on your face. Things such as this are simple ways to be present or grounded. Paying attention to what you are doing without also thinking about the 100 other things on your list.  If you need to establish something today this transit will help, because we still have Mercury in Pisces retrograde. He is currently asking us to take things easy and go with the flow and I agree, go with the flow but if you have strong feelings around getting something started or making something come to life this grand trine in earth will help.
Not all the details of what you are initiating today will be revealed but these transits will get us started.

The Spring Equinox arrives at 5:58 pm ET the moment the Sun enters Aries and the tropical zodiac begins again. Adding to this a few hours later at 9:43 pm ET we have the final Super Full Moon of 2019.  What are we to do with these transits? There is so much happening at the same time it can be confusing so let me see if I can keep it simple for you.
While we currently have Mercury retro in Pisces he is asking us to feel through things, trust our intuition, trust our internal guidance systems and issue forgiveness where it is needed and have compassion for ourselves and others.

The Sun entering Aries is like being in the line up to start a race and the gun has just gone off. If you are feeling inspired to begin something now, do it! It is a celebration of our life force and a moment of equality as well. Honoring both sides of our humanness the light and the dark. And with The Super Full Moon in Libra a few hours after the Sun enters Aries, 9:43 pm ET, is strong in regards to doing for others and seeing what others need from us. Again the day speaks to finding an equal balance. It is a new astrological year at the same time of Super Full Moon in Libra. We must find a way to balance what we want with what others need from us. This is also what the transiting lunar nodes are all about at this time, finding our way to taking better care of ourselves.

I know, I know, that is a lot of stuff happening simultaneously but it is what it is and you will work with whatever is most dominate in your life. So there is no needed to feel overwhelmed. If you would like personal input you know how to reach me.

Thursday March 21st, of course we are still feeling all the energy from yesterday but today has its’ own influences. The one I will focus on is Venus in Aquarius making two aspects, a square to Mars and sextile to Jupiter.
Venus squares Mars early in the morning before sunrise so we might be feeling it when we go to bed Wednesday night. This can feel as if something is not right, that we have missed something and we can’t stop trying to figure out what it is. I always find the best way to handle this kind of aspect/feeling is to focus on something that makes me stay in a higher vibration, happy and puts a smile on my face. Worrying about stuff as you go to sleep makes it hard to sleep unless you are one of those people that can work problems out while you sleep.

At 10:17 am ET Venus will sextile Jupiter and this gives us just enough easy going energy to feel alright. If something isn’t working out today let it go and come back to it at another time.

Friday March 22nd we have another jam packed day so I will group some things together. The Libra Moon still buzzing from the Super Fullness makes many connections today, easy and hard. This means the day will have easy moments and challenging moments. The key is to allow each event to have its’ own space. One event is not the other so compartmentalize today’s events so you learn from the tough stuff and rejoice in the good things.

Late in the evening of Friday at 10:16 pm ET the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio and for the rest of weekend the intensity level will increase.

Saturday and Sunday with the Moon in Scorpio and Mercury coming to conjunct Neptune on Sunday we can expect these two days to be very emotional but it doesn’t have to feel bad. I know lots of times when I say those words to clients they cringe. But this is not what I mean. Can somebody have an overly emotional day? Yes they can. Does it mean everyone will? No it does not. Productive ways to use the emotional energy we have present over the weekend is by tapping into our intuition, spend time listening to beautiful music, doing meditation, walking the beach, or learning to interpret your dreams. With all this water in the charts of the weekend it might even be a rainy weekend so come inside.
So no matter where you may live maybe you will find a way to immerse yourself into something you love over the weekend.


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