Astrology Forecast New Moon in Aries April 1st – 7th, 2019

Monday April 1st and Tuesday April 2nd we have the Moon slowly moving through the sign of Pisces and joining up with Mercury and Neptune. I think over the coming few days it will be difficult to maintain a steady focus.
I know life is always pushing us forward to get things done and be incredibly accomplished every day but with the planets the way they are right now that is not what we should be doing no matter what the boss says. Do what you must so not to create problems for yourself at work but keep in mind the dominate energy is to go with the flow more than it is to follow hard rules, boundaries and structure.

So how do we work with all this Pisces energy, with the Moon connecting to Mars, Mercury, Venus and Neptune? For starters I am certain most communications will not be clear. If you are having a dialog with someone about something important take notes and ask questions. Don’t assume anything right now; things are just too foggy and uncertain.

Throughout Monday and Tuesday the best activates for energy like this is to meditate more, sleep more, record your dreams, do what brings you peace, what helps you to smooth the rough edges.
If you know me or follow my Facebook pages, you know I live near enough to the ocean that I can get there every day if I like. This is how I recharge walking on the beach and taking pictures no matter what the time of year. It is my way to get into alignment with my higher self, my intuition and creativity. What is your thing? How do you out of your head and into a much more peaceful place that simply flows? Now is the time to do it.

Also on Monday night into Tuesday morning with the Pisces Moon connecting to Venus in her most romantic sign; those in the position to be romantic have a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with their beloved.

Moving on to Wednesday April 3rd the Moon is still in Pisces and making her final aspect in this sign to Jupiter at 11:36 am ET. The overall feeling of this connection that will last till the Moon enters Aries later tonight is self-indulgent; if you can pay attention to not over doing it that is a good idea.
At 10:56 pm the Moon shifts from a soft emotional sign into a direct, ready for action persona.

Thursday April 4th the Aries Moon will connect with Chiron early in the morning and that means it is an opportunity for something deep inside to come to the surface for attention and healing. This is also supported by the current cycle the Moon is in just before it is new. The balsamic lunar phase, you have heard me talk about it many times before, once a month this period is about reflection and taking time to check in with yourself. It goes really well with all the Pisces energy I just told you about.
So over all Monday through Thursday we are being asked to be easy on ourselves and others, be gentle, kind and creative, allowing others their space as you need yours.

Moving on to the New Moon in Aries; it is at 4:50 am ET Friday April 5th. This New Moon in Aries is squaring the Lunar Nodes and Saturn and Pluto. My question for you is; what are you doing to take care of yourself? Aries is famous for being self-focused and with the New Moon now in the sign of Aries all of us need to turn our attention to the self for a little while. I am not saying we have to be so self-centered that we treat others poorly what I am saying is it is time to recharge, take charge and be responsible for our own needs.

This New Moon is half way between some important places in the sky and that means we are all in a position to do some self-healing, take personal steps toward what we need, face any fear that may be holding you back and move toward that caring and nurturing place.  I know I summed this up in a few sentences but that really is what we need to do with no fluff included. Step away from the things that you are afraid of, stop being hard on yourself and take care of you first. One of the best ways to this while we still have strong Pisces energy is to make sure we are getting the required amount of rest and self-care.

Saturday April 6th the Moon enters one of her favorite signs, Taurus at 9:06 am ET and a few hours’ later at 12:09 pm ET conjuncts Uranus. While still in her New Moon phase this conjunction is absolutely wonderful for planting new seeds. Yes real seeds, look at your farmer’s almanac for the details in your area. If you are not ready to plant your garden from seeds you can also plant seeds of ideas. This Taurus energy has us focusing on the things that matter the most and this continues into Sunday April 7thWhat a wonderful weekend to be creative, plant gardens, do yard work, all of which makes us feel very grounded; and we can use that after all the Pisces energy we have endured the last few weeks. If April 22nd wasn’t already Earth Day I would have picked one of these two days.
So have fun outside this weekend, re-connect with nature in your way and honor the Mother we live on.

Key words for this week:
Companion ate
Overly sensitive to our environment.
More meditation, dreaming, spirituality.
Plant new seeds.


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