Magic Practice of the Day & The Spirit Wake Up Word 4/9/2019

Happy ChooseDay( Tuesday) Yes!! the Daily Fresh Tarot Card Video is up!! check it out.. The Astro Forcast Video too!! https://eclipticspiritualist7.blogspo... make sure you like, share and subscribe!!. The Spirit Wake Up Word of the day: Covenant: A mutual consent or agreement of two or more persons. Under the entrapment of past belief systems people were considered sin and they did sacrifices of animals of the atonement of the Spirit of human being and guilt connection always present.. However the Good News is that The Creator, The Divine, The Source, has an internal covenant with you and me because we have The God, The Creator inside of us! and this is the Truth that far superior of the old Paradigm.. Thank Goodness for the Wake up!! the old Paradigm blood of animals but the revolution is this, we are full of the Spirit of the Divine... and immediately connect like picking up our smart phones and connect to the Light on speed dial.. Live in the present Paradigm of God is in Me.. and know your speed dial number to the Source!!.... The Moon sign today is in Gemini and waxing moon, first quarter. The color is Red and the incense is burn as your fire element of the day... Come back this evening and see how the reading align with your day..... Covenant is within Yourself and The Creator.. Dial up speak what your want... Love & Balance.. Ecliptic Spiritualist


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