Magical Practice of the Day 4/3/2019

Happy Wednesday Everybody!The Daily Fresh Tarot Card reading is up!! And did you checkout the Astro Forecast on the Blog? https://eclipticspiritualist7.blogspo... make sure you Subscribe!!. Today practice includes UnHurried: Relaxed and leisurely: without hurry or haste. Think of buying a five thousand piece puzzle You buy it because you like the picture on the box, but when you dump out all the pieces on the table, you feel overwhelmed . All the things going on in our lives are bit like that . We like the pictures the Divine the Source presents in the daily word of what we can become , but will we be patient enough to see the picture put together? Never forget : The Source has a perfect way, a perfect plan and a perfect time .. All things work together in due time.... Moon sign is Pisces and the moon enters Aries 10:56pm the moon phase is in the Fourth quarter and waning moon . The color yellow to focus on and the element of fire to burn is Balsam... I love each and one of you .. So take time to journal your story and get a Intuitive Reading and Spellwork... and be Unhurried.. ..... Love beyond measures.... Ecliptic Spiritualist....


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