Astrology Forecast May 6th – May 12th 2019

Considering all the things we have been handling and filtering over the last few weeks this week might seem a little tame and personally I don’t mind. I have been dealing with a Mars conjunction to my Venus and Sun as well as transiting Saturn square my natal Mars and transiting Jupiter trine my natal Mars. Plus Saturn return. The astrologers should know how this feels, those who don’t know astrology well let me say this; it feels like no matter what a person does, it feels as if you are not doing enough. Mars rules anger, activity, movement and taking action. He is in the sign of Gemini so sometimes communication and receiving information feels way out of sorts.
So I breathe deep and let any situation be what it is. I have been working out like a fiend and watching the Game of Thrones battle scenes repeatedly just to use this Mars energy up. If we don’t use the energy available to us it can come at us instead, so I am using it. No anger just more physical activity, so much so my abs are sore. 😉
Let’s get started. Monday and Tuesday with the waxing new moon now in Gemini and Mercury just in Taurus we have an energetic tug of war. The Gemini Moon is fascinated with words, we must tell others how we feel and share all the information that is on our minds and hearts. Mercury the ruler of Gemini is now located in the tropical sign of Taurus which is not a favorite place for this speedy communicator. Taurus is grounded, earthy and purposeful far from speedy, but we can still use it to the best of our abilities by being more deliberate where we can be. On Tuesday the Moon interacts with many other planets and we are still encouraged to share and talk a lot. The opposition to Jupiter and conjunction to Mars this afternoon from the Gemini Moon feels like we have a lot of energy built up that we don’t know what to do with. We may be overindulgent and short on patients. Pay attention and use the energy in a constructive way, which will most likely be through words and action.
For me my current project is I am working on launching a Patreon page which takes a lot of writing and producing. Patreon is kind of like crowd sourcing monthly funding. I need to get a solid base under me for all the free work I do, and using a platform like Patreon can help me do that and gives you my readers a chance to help fund my continued work doing these free forecasts for a small monthly fee. The free content here will not change. For the small monthly donation fee I will be adding additional content which I am still thinking about. What else would YOU like? I am open the hearing your thoughts. I am working on different tier levels and I will announce it as soon as I can get it together. I hope you will consider supporting me when the time comes.
Back to this, also on Tuesday Venus in Aries squares off with Saturn in Capricorn. Venus in Aries is assertive and willing to go for what she wants. It might not feel comfortable to some people but she is a go getter. Squaring Saturn in Capricorn means we might be conflicted because we want to settle down and feel safe and secure. Pay attention, you’ll know what to do.
Wednesday May 8th the big news of today is Mercury in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus. There are so many ways this can play out. Mercury to Uranus is brilliant, inventive, creative, and can think outside the box. In Taurus these changes and thoughts are based around what we currently value and love. It represents a change in a way of thinking, believing or doing something. Look to the house this conjunction is happening for you for more details.
The Moon moved into her own sign early this morning so some of our focus today is around the family and our emotional needs at the moment.
Thursday May 9th the two aspects I want to focus on are from Venus in Aries. Remember she is aggressive in this sign and will go for whatever she feels she wants. Today she connects with Jupiter in a positive aspect that is great for taking action and being successful, really putting your heart into it. This transit peaks at 12:56 pm ET. The other aspect Venus makes this afternoon is a square to Pluto. This can be a tough transit it may feel controlling and maybe even underhanded. Keep your head up and watch for this behavior so you can steer clear of it or take a deep dive into understanding or research whatever your focus happens to be today.
The Cancer Moon is sensitive and caring all day so on top of everything else we should be able to tap into our feelings and trust what we feel.
Friday and Saturday May 10th – 11th the Moon is in Leo which is a very creative and energetic placement for the Moon but the square aspect it makes with Mercury and Uranus on Friday can cause added stress to the day if you are already feeling that way and not taking any action where you know you should be. Fixed squares such as these do create just enough pressure so we have to make a choice or change something. It never has to come to this if we stay aware and follow a flow. But most of us are not like that, we need added pressure to get us motivated. Saturday we also have the Sun trine Saturn and this can feel grounding and solid.
Sunday May 12th is Mother’s Day. Just after noon ET the Moon enters Virgo and that tells me it is a perfect day for gardening, making plans for the future or organizing for the coming week. The morning is wonderful for a gathering and celebration of Mom whether she is here with us or on the other side. I always love planting flowers on a day like today in honor of those no longer with us.


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