Full Moon in Sagittarius June 17 – 23rd~Summer Equinox, Eclipse Season and Much more

Astrology Forecast June 17th – 23rd 2019 there are so many unaspected planets early this week. Full Moon in Sagittarius – Summer Solstice and More

This week contains The Full Strawberry Moon on Monday, Mercury and Mars coming together, the Summer Solstice for us here in the Northern and lots of planets with no aspects. So I have a lot to share with you.

On Monday June 17th we have Full Moon in Sagittarius at 4:31 am ET it is time for a whole lot of fun, learning, playing, experiencing life and being authentic. Being true to you is one of the most important things of this Full Moon.

Just after the Full Moon it will be “Void of Course” that means the Moon is free from the constraints and rules of other planets that might create an influence. So from the Full Moon at 4:31 am ET till the Moon enters Capricorn at 12:13 pm ET she has free rein in the sign of Sagittarius; so make sure and find a way to play, explore and learn!

Venus in Gemini is also unaspected Monday until the afternoon so be ready for a lot of talking, socializing and yes more playing.

Uranus is also unaspected until the Moon connects at 10:30 pm ET. Meaning freedom is the theme this morning.

Lastly for unaspected planets the Gemini Sun is unaspected and that started right at the Full Moon as well. This means we may be in information overload. With no more Ptolemy aspects from the Sun all week, this means we are free to speak, think and share what we want as well as gather a lot of useful and un-useful information. Yes I said that, sometimes we Geminis know a lot of un-useful things.

Tuesday June 18th the Capricorn Moon connects to Saturn making things feel serious or at least a little more stable then Gemini offers. It is good we have a little bit of grounding available to us if we want to use it.

Mercury and Mars will also conjunct in Cancer today and here we have emotional conversations heating up. We may witness or express powerful emotions today. I recommend if you are feeling this speak up before you blow up.

Wednesday June 19th Mercury and Mars are also opposite to Saturn and Pluto; with these old patterns, habits and beliefs need to be addressed. This may create insecurities but also opportunities to clear these old patterns.

Thursday June 20th the Moon in Aquarius is square Uranus first thing in the morning so think outside the box expect to address things from a unique perspective and do something different today.

Friday June 21st Summer Solstice at 11:54 am ET. The Sun is officially in the sign of the Eclipses now and we are less than 2 weeks away from the next eclipse.  Focusing in on taking good care of ourselves and those we love is the theme of this eclipse season that will be heightened today.

Saturday and Sunday June 22 & 23 for the weekend the Moon is in Pisces and

Venus is opposite Jupiter among other things. These two days have the feeling of flow, easy communication, receiving, as well as going over board and being extravagant. This could mean a lot fun for some and overload for others. Sounds like a lot of fun to me.


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