Astro Forecast July1-7,2019,Solar Eclipse, New Moon in Cancer..Power to feel and Leap Forward

Weekly Astrology Forecast July 1 -7 #astrology #eclipticspiritualist

We do have a busy week in front of us but it is not as harsh as the week that held June 19th and the Mercury/Mars opposition to Saturn/Pluto. That one felt rough and fearful for most everyone I know. But what is fear? What is faith? Fear and Faith require the same thing from us, a belief in something unseen. If you are feeling fearful go inside yourself and ask what is it, ask if it is true for you?

I want you to remember this as we move through eclipse season and in the weeks to come with all the other energies that are present and if you feel you need some input around the eclipses in your own life, don’t hesitate to make an appointment.  If you just want eclipse info a half hour or 45 minutes will do.

We are all here at this moment in time for a reason, I do believe that. So take your steps toward trusting yourself above all else, trust in what you know is the truth.

Spend more time near the water, in nature or being creative. We do not have to be pulled into other people’s fears. And if you are an activist and love fighting for a cause well that is what you need to do. We all have our paths and we do get to choose them.

Monday July 1st we are in the Balsamic lunar phase right before the New Moon Solar Eclipse. The Moon is in Gemini right now and in this lunar phase we may talk a lot. We are feeling the need to get it all out, tell our loved ones/friends what is on our mind. Mercury is slowing down to retrograde the end of this week too so today can easily be one of those days when all our words come out. If that does seem like you then maybe you will be the one listening this time and not speaking.

We also have Mars leaving Cancer and entering Leo. The day planets change signs can be felt strongly. We go from overly emotional to I am ready to take action and make stuff happen. Mars will spend the next 7 weeks in this very active, playful and creative sign.

So here we are the New Moon Solar Eclipse July 2nd at 3:16 pm ET.  This New Moon is at 10 degrees of Cancer so check out your placement of that number in your own chart for extra details. Over all when we have eclipses the whole world is being asked to make a change or pay attention to the sign the eclipse is in.

Eclipses amplify whatever is already going on in life so we will pay even closer attention. Being that this eclipse is in the sign of Cancer and opposite to Saturn we should be honing in on family matters, getting comfortable with our emotions, setting goals and beginning projects based on how we feel and what we want our home life to be like now. What changes do you want? As long as you base your action on how you feel then you will not go wrong.

I know I have mentioned this before, all New Moons start their own 3 year cycle so do your best to be aware of your actions this week.

Here are a few dates over the coming 3 years to pay attention to. The goals and actions taken during this New Moon Solar Eclipse will be highlighted during these dates.  Called Lunar Families, it is a 3 year cycle.

April 1, 2020 ~ 1st Quarter Moon at 12 Cancer

Dec. 30, 2020 ~ Full Moon at 8 Cancer

Sept. 29, 2021 ~ Last Quarter at 6 Cancer

Nine months later we start over again. Each month begins one of these 3 year cycles.

Also Eclipses and the Lunar Nodes have their own cycle as well and that is a 19 year cycle. This means if you look back to 2000 and 2001 (the eclipses were in the same signs then as they are now), you will find a similar trend in your life. This is one of the reasons it can be beneficial to keeping a journal or at the very least your old calendars.  Look back what was going on for you then. My example, one of my grandsons was born in 2001, my family expanded. Hopeful that doesn’t happen again now, because he is too young to be a father and I am too young to be a great grandmother. Your story may be different. I talk about this more on my You-Tube video.

Today Mars is also at the degree of a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse we had January 21st this year. Maybe this will help you to take some action in something creative that you put down in January.

What a busy day July 2nd is, it may have our heads spinning with so much to do.

The news of Wednesday is Venus entering Cancer. Leaving talkative Gemini and entering Cancer means we are ready to settle into what feels good now. We don’t have to talk everything out quite as much.

Thursday July 4th and Friday the 5th with the Moon in Leo and conjunct to Mars we are even more inspired to take action, be creative and go out and play. This feels perfect for Independence Day week.

Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th the Virgo Moon and Mercury stationing to go retrograde might slow things down for some of us. The Virgo Moon is always interested in the emotional details of things. With Mercury stationary today I recommend we take our time and plan ahead; expect travel to be little slow for a while.


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