Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn + Weekly Astrology Forecast July 15 -21,2019

Are you ready for this eclipse? There’s always so much going on these days and along with this eclipse we are also working with many other planetary influences, one of them being the retrograde of Mercury; which however really isn’t a big deal even though a lot of people make it a big deal. I find it really is hard to dispel all of those myths that Mercury retrograde causes all the problems. It is such exaggerated  pop astrology. Do stupid things happen during Mercury retrograde, are there delays too? Yes of course there is…..

I believe our attitude causes a lot of the problems. If we go into something thinking it’s going to mess up there’s a good chance that’s what the results will be. This isn’t Mercury retrograde this is us, we created the problems and we need to take responsibility for our own thoughts.

There are a lot of things that are changing these days. We have Saturn, South Node and Pluto all within the allotment of a conjunction. This means the old ways of doing things, the old regime, out dated government policies, and our old belief systems are breaking down. We see this happening all over the world. It is not everything but it seems to be the important things and that will make people fearful.

So do your best to stay out of fear; please!! I know there are many many things in this world that are horrible, unfair, and morally wrong. I don’t deny that, but I also choose to be in control of the things I can control. I take action where I as an individual can take action. I pay close attention to how I feel and am responsible for my own feelings.

I know most of my forecasts speak very little of what’s going on in the world; that is intentional because I’m trying to be a person who uplifts people, a person who allows people to have their own power and make their own choices from wherever you are on your life path. I do my best not scare people, but give you hope and knowledge so you know you do have choices.

So don’t miss understand my apparent simplistic approach to Astrology, it is not simple at all. After more than 21 years of practice my main intention is to help you take back your power and be the amazing creator you came here to be.

So with that being said let’s address the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and what the week of July 15th has to offer us.

Monday July 15th the Moon in Capricorn in her waxing phase inspires us to be logical and practical as well as feeling solid and grounded. Take today to be as organized and practical as possible.

Tuesday July 16th during the day before the eclipse the Moon will be in an opposition to Venus awakening our need for comfort and self-care, please pay attention to this.

Then the Moon will conjunct Saturn and Pluto all before the eclipse, this will stir up any lingering fears or fears hanging out just below the surface.

We have been working with this energy for a number of months now since Saturn, South Node, and Pluto have been close to each other but the eclipsing Moon will wake us up once and for all if we need this push to finally address something that we need to address.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is at 24 degrees of Capricorn on Tuesday July 16th 5:38 pm ET. So what is this Full Moon Lunar eclipse about? Full Moon in Capricorn has everything to do with recognizing and seeing what is strong and solid in your life and it usually comes about through fear. This is because Capricorn can bring up fear and lack and feelings of not being or doing enough. I find this unfortunate but most people are motivated more by fear than anything else. The good news is Capricorn also carries a lot of confidence, self-assurance and poise. We have choices.

Currently there is a lot of fear in the world around us as I mentioned in my opening statement so I would ask you that during this Full Moon in Capricorn you look at your life at your reputation do you feel solid do you feel secure? Examine those things and I would also ask you to take a look at what you’re afraid of and why are you afraid of whatever that is. If you can examine these things in an honest way then you can see what you are going to move forward with and the things that are no longer working for you and you can leave them behind. This is how I recommend we all use this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

Now we can also get additional information about what this eclipse holds for you by looking at the lunar phase family that this eclipse is a part of.

Here are some dates January 16th 2018 New Moon, and then nine months later first quarter moon October 16th 2018, and now we have the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse July 16th 2019, and the third and final quarter in this lunar phase family will begin April 14th 2020.

What do you do with these dates? January 16th was a new Moon at a similar degree as this eclipse. Around January 16, 2018 we would have begun something; what did you begin back then that is related to now? The October 16, 2018 date was the first quarter moon and that means what you started in January 2018 by October 2018 you would start to see the fruits of your labor. And now July 16th is the Full Moon which is like the period of harvest the period where we are ready to reap the benefits of what we’ve accomplished, and release whatever has not worked that we began in January 2018.

So look back and figure out what those dates (A month or two on either side is an acceptable buffer period.) mean to you and you will receive additional information about this eclipse for your personal information.

On Wednesday July 17th Venus is in opposition to Saturn. If you are in a not so serious relationship then this aspect just might encourage you to go to the next level. In regards to finances we should pay attention to what we are spending this week.

Thursday July 18th Venus now makes an easy aspect with Neptune and all we want to do is go with the flow and relax with no boundaries. It’s a good thing Venus connected with Saturn first, now we can feel easy.

Friday July 19th Mercury re-enters Cancer by retrograde, he will stay in this sign for the next 3 weeks, half of which as a retrograde planet. I recommend we go easy on ourselves and spend as much time in self-care as possible. Some people will experience a recurrence of family issues they had in June. If that is the case for you go easy and listen then respond, don’t over react if you can help it.

Saturday July 20th with the Moon in Pisces all day I recommend we simply go with the flow, spend time near water or get lost in a good book.

Sunday July 21st Venus will be opposite to Pluto; time to get serious in regards to a relationship or a financial matter. Pluto says take the deep dive so you may understand more. The Sun and Mercury are also conjunct this happens regularly and means we are very interested in sharing our opinions and talking things out which is fine, just remember to think then speak.


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