July 29th – August 4th – New Moon in Leo – Mercury Direct

 Monday July 29th the first thing I want to talk about is we are in the balsamic lunar phase until the new moon on Wednesday the 31st. The meaning behind this lunar phase is about distilling and processing information so we can figuring out what is important and let go of what is not. Also on the 29th Mercury is still retrograde but slowing down to change directions soon and the most important thing about this station is; it is at the same degree that the Sun was at during the eclipse on July 16th so that area is getting triggered again. This is very important news, please look and see what was going on for you at that eclipse on or near July 16th, anything that came up then may need some finalizing now. With Mercury stationing at this degree we have additional opportunities to finish up whatever it is we need to finish up. The details of this will depend on where 24 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn is in your own personal chart.
Monday the 29th we also have the sun in Leo making a square aspect to Uranus in Taurus this is not until the evening but it can produce severe weather for some of us and unexpected emotional outbursts or releases in some cases. On a positive note we may also use this energy to move beyond creative blocks and have out of this world experiences.
Tuesday July 30th the moon still in the balsamic lunar phase in the sign of Cancer is making connections to Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Mercury throughout the day. Feeling emotional and connecting to your own sense of security and nurturing is what we need to feel good today.
Wednesday July 31st the moon enters Leo early in the morning but we have to wait till 11:12 pm ET for the New Moon, we also have Mercury stationary moving direct just before midnight as well.
Let’s talk about Mercury first; with the station of Mercury things don’t flow very easily for a few days on either side of this. These are days we may feel frustrated and stuck, so please give yourself a break and let it be what it is if you do have these feelings. On the other hand some people will thrive on a day like this due to their own personal charts so do not let some of the more difficult words here influence what your natural path is.
This stationing of Mercury is also on the same degree as the Lunar Eclipse from July 16th so if you felt something stirring then, that you have not dealt with yet or are procrastinating about I would recommend you get on it before it gets out of hand.
Let us move on to the New Moon in Leo Wednesday July 31st 11:12 pm ET. It is time to set goals and intentions based on creativity, what you are passionate about and having an open heart to love and enjoy life. If today is troublesome for you than just wait till you feel better to set your New Moon intentions.
Thursday August 1st continue focusing on what you want to be creative about and allow it to flow in.
Friday August 2nd the news of the day is Venus Square Uranus; this can create a fair amount of tension for some people because Venus in Leo is very interested in being the center of attention, which is fine because it is what she deserves. But we may also feel restless in our relationships thanks to the square aspect between these two. Plus the normal energy of what Uranus offers us is freedom, breaking from away from the normal routine, it is asking us to move beyond our comfort zones. It’s a day of unique possibilities in regards to what you love and what you value.

We also have the Moon in Virgo so some of us will get caught up in the details today.
On Saturday August 3rd with the Moon in Virgo today making an easy aspect to Saturn and Pluto we feel strong, confidant and in control. At least that is what we have available to us; we don’t have to use it though.
Sunday August 4th the Moon enters Libra in the morning shifting our focus to balance and harmony in our relationships and current activities. This will be especially true if you had to make some adjustments in your relationship on Friday thanks to the Venus Uranus Square.


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