Full Moon in Aquarius August 15th ~ Shattering Your Creative Block

August 12th we start the week with the Moon in Capricorn which is wonderful and helpful for us to feel solid and grounded a great way to start the week.
Tuesday August 13th and Wednesday August 14th the Moon in Aquarius is a very analytical sign it encourages us to think things through but also to think outside the box and move away from what is stale and old so we may grow and expand.
Also on Wednesday August 14th the Sun and Venus are conjunct in the sign of Leo; Mars is not far away. This represents being creative, being passionate, and really open-hearted. We may even be willing to take a risk in matters of the heart.
The news for the week though is the Full Moon in Aquarius at 8:29 a.m. Thursday August 15th. This Full Moon encourages all of the things just mentioned as well as inviting us to be more engaged in groups that we are interested in, friendships and social environments. The Full Moon also represents a time of culmination so if you have been holding off engaging in group or social activities maybe you will feel ready now and final dive in.
Full Moons also illuminate what we need to release so watch out for that too I expect some of us will be doing a fair amount of releasing during this time.
The nature of Aquarius can be sudden and unexpected as well, just like Uranus can so don’t throw everything out just to feel better.
Moving on to Friday August 16th Mercury in Leo makes a square aspect to Uranus in Taurus; it has a similar feel to the Full Moon because Uranus rules Aquarius. This aspect has been applying all week but it peaks at 1:00 pm in the afternoon on Friday the 16th. The meaning of this will sound familiar to some of the other things I’ve already talked about. We have the ability to speak up for ourselves, to be open to new thoughts and new ideas.
So take advantage of this to create something fresh and new for yourself or you may want to take a look at your life and where you may have been doing way too much. Now is the time to leave those groups or activities behind.

We are in the waning lunar phase now with Mercury in direct motion so we are still cleaning up things from the July eclipses and retrograde of July.  This can be very a very productive time.

Saturday August 17th Moon in Pisces will make a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces so I reckon this is a day where we can feel like relaxing near the water or just finding a way to escape from your world.
Sunday August 18th Mars enters Virgo for the next seven and a half weeks. He’s not necessarily a fan of this sign but encourages us to pay attention to the details in a very methodical way.
On a side note I want to speak a little about something that has been happening throughout the whole week. That is Mars and Uranus are parallel to each other through declination and that behaves like a conjunction.
There can be a lot of sudden unexpected opportunities that will present themselves to us if we are aware and are staying present. If you are not present this connection will feel like you have had 10 shots of expresso. Feeling full of energy you don’t know what to do with. Energy that is bottled up during this transit and not being expressed naturally will explode.
If you are the creative type that really wants to do something unique and different this is going to be a really good week for you. If you are in a creative block this may be just what you have been waiting for to get moving again.

Being present is the key to using energy like this. Act on your impulses.


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