Fall is HERE!!! Astro Forecast Septmeber 23-28,2019

It’s official, in the northern hemisphere Summer is over and Fall has begun. Monday September 23rd at 3:50 am ET. During this time of year as the Sun moves through Libra in the tropical zodiac we should be seeking
balance and harmony in many areas of our lives. This is an innate drive; most of us don’t even realize it is happening. If you are reading this you do know.

As this shift from one season to another happens we also have the waning Moon in her own sign of Cancer. This feels comforting, nurturing and homey all the while we are preparing for what is next and taking care of the things in our lives that may feel off or out of balance.

If you look to where the Sun is moving through your chart you can get a more personal understanding of what you may be focusing on during the month of Libra. We all have each sign in our charts and the house/area that Libra is in for you is highlighted this time of year. For example if Libra is in your 2nd house you will be interested in balancing your work with the things that you love to do. If Libra is in your 5th house you may be balancing time with your children and time for you do what you love. The variations of how this will play are many.

Tuesday is not an overly busy day but the Moon has slipped into Leo overnight. When we have a waning Leo Moon we will remove the things from our lives that we don’t feel passionate about or the people that are to dramatic to deal with.

Wednesday September 25th the Moon is still in Leo so we remain passionate and energized to take the steps that are needed. We also have Venus and Saturn squaring off in the afternoon. With this square we might feel we need support from a loved one if it is lacking or if finances are an issue for you at this point in time then that might be your focus today. All we need to do in both circumstances is to stop long enough to recognize where our stability lies.

Thursday’s big news is not so big; it is a square between Mercury and Pluto later in the day/evening. Be careful with your words, they have a lot of power with a transit like this. We also have the Moon in Virgo as well, it is known for being focused on the details. If we say the wrong thing without thinking the Pluto effect can have us obsessing about those words for days.

We are also in the final hours of the current lunar phase and that means it is time to go within anyway, time to re-group sort through things, distill information down to the smallest detail. We can do this easily since Virgo loves that kind of activity.

The New Moon this month is on Saturday September 28th at 2:26 pm ET it is a Super Moon but we can’t see New Moons so it won’t get any news. This is a wonderfully powerful Moon to set intentions around your important relationships if they a need a little work. It is also a wonderful period to become more social, or work on teamwork.

There are times when Libra can be very codependent and does whatever everyone else wants always appeasing others. With this New Moon opposite to the wounded healer Chiron in Aries we have a fantastic opportunity for self-healing or repairing some deep wounds.

This is how the whole weekend will play out. Seeking our harmony in relationships, partnerships and socially. Some people really like setting goals by writing out what they want in a journal, I like to day dream and see what it feels like before writing things down. If we are emotionally connected to what we want to manifest it happens easier.


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