Weekly Astrology Forecast September 2nd – 8th 2019 Growing Security and Stability

Monday September 2nd we have two things peaking today. The Sun has caught up with Mars in the sign of Virgo so we are motivated to take action on that to-do list and we may also be feeling impulsive and ready for action in other areas of life.
The second thing for today is Venus square to Jupiter. When it comes to squares between planets this one is easy to work with. Both of these planets are considered beneficial so with a just a little bit of adjustments we can have success in the items we are focused this week.

Tuesday September 3rd with the Moon now in Scorpio and Mercury conjunct Mars in Virgo we have a serious amount of healing energy available to us over the next few days. Whenever I see these two signs dominate in a chart I know we can go deep to the root of a problem to find the solution. It can also be said that we have the focus and drive to get anything done that is important to us.
Late in the evening the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Virgo; it is great day for writing, sorting, organizing and focusing on your daily duties.

Wednesday September 4th the Scorpio Moon is still asking us to feel deeply and that will continue all day.
We also have Venus opposite Neptune this can feel like we have woken from our dreams and it is time for a reality check. This can be good or not, sometimes we need the escape Neptune provides and sometimes we need the reality that Venus in Virgo is asking for. Any one of these things or all of them can be your experience today.

Thursday September 5th we have the Moon in Sagittarius for the next 2 days which is always a good time. Sagittarius loves to play, explore and learn, so go for it! The other transit of the day I will focus on is Mercury in a trine aspect to Saturn. This is so good in my eyes, we are feeling grounded in a few areas of life for example if you are a writer this is wonderful for that, communicating with others is a plus and if you need to make changes in your daily routines or have recently well these changes should stick. We can feel quite accomplished now.

Friday September 6th is a continuation of Thursday’s energy plus the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in the wee hours of the morning amplifying all we have going from Thursday’s forecast.

Saturday and Sunday the 7th and 8th the Moon in Capricorn encourages us to be grounded so we will be seeking security and stability all weekend long.


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