Weekly Forecast with the Full Moon in Pisces on September 13-14 2019

Monday morning September 9th the aspect that sets the tone for the day is one between Mars and Saturn. In traditional astrology when these two planets come together there is something important going through a 
change. Mars and Saturn are known as the 2 malefic and they can produce problems and stress that for the most part is unavoidable. But I don’t see it that way in this circumstance. Mars in Virgo encourages us to take action in the things we do every day like our health routines and daily work environment. As Mars in Virgo creates this environment he also connects to Saturn in Capricorn who is currently encouraging us to make sure we have all our ducks in a row, our foundations secure and we know who is in charge of our lives. This is a really excellent aspect for accomplishing goals or at the very least moving forward on projects that reflect our daily activities, health and work environment.

Moving on to Tuesday September 10th the big transit for today is the Sun in opposition to Neptune. This Virgo Pisces opposition is an easy one since they are both mutable signs. Take Monday and Tuesday to pay attention to the details that are important to you then take the step toward what you are working on let the energy flow.

Wednesday the 11th is a quiet day with no major aspects, just the Moon moving through the analytical sign of Aquarius. This helps us to put on our thinking caps and step outside of the comfort zone.

Thursday September 12th Mars connects now with Jupiter in a square aspect. Mars still in Virgo as it was Monday; still encouraging us to take action is now square Jupiter. We may be over whelmed with too much to do or too many choices today. The Moon enters Pisces this morning as well and that may add some confusion to the mix if you are not good at going with the flow and listening to your higher self’s guidance.

Friday September 13th Mercury and Venus meet up for the first time this year. When these two are conjunct and in the sign of Virgo communications are very important and we value every word we hear and speak. What a wonderful day for communicating if you get it right. It could also be a day when others or you are so picky about what people say that it feels overwhelming with too many details.

The Sun and Pluto are trine today as well making for some powerful interactions and a lot of things may be coming to a head at this point since the Moon will be full late tonight as well.

West coast time the Moon is full at 9:33 pm, East coast time is Saturday the 14th at 12:33 am.
The main focus of this full Moon in Pisces is to follow and trust your instincts. Listen to your guidance and follow through and if we are feeling off and not in synch with who we are we may be susceptible to others emotional whims. We can be extra sensitive and feeling during this once a year Pisces Full Moon so take good care of your emotional and spiritual self.

On September 14th we also have Mercury and Venus entering Libra. Through communications and the things we love we are seeking harmony, looking to create balance where it is off and to pull in all into our personal wants and needs throughout the weekend thanks to the Moon being in opposition to these planets and in Aries.

So to recap: the weekend encourages us to get into emotional alignment with our higher selves and sprit guilds and follow their/your guidance. Then integrate this information into your daily life.


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