Astrological forecast October 28th to November 3rd Mercury Retrograde

For the whole week we have the transiting Lunar North Node at the eclipse point from July 2nd look back to see what was happening for you then in regards to family and emotional wants and needs. Bringing it forward to now, the question is; are you taking care of yourself? Are you getting your emotional needs met? What is going on for your family?

Monday October 28th early in the morning the sun in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus. We are feeling it all through the week prior to this one. I say this because applying aspects (meaning as they’re coming to a peak) create a sense of urgency or we can feel something is happening but usually can’t put our finger on it. Once an aspect is at its peak which is what I talk about then it’s time to use the energy that has come to a head.

Sun in Scorpio is about taking that deep dive into yourself, allowing things to die off, or to let things go so we can then create a period of new growth and transformation. This is always what this time of year is about. With the Sun opposition to Uranus in the wee hours of the morning of October 28th if we’re not proactively examining, looking at, changing, or letting go the things that are no longer worthy then there is an opportunity for a sudden burst of energy to let something go or create something new. Uranus is the Lord of change and the great awakener so if you feel something weird or strange trying to come out go with it, you never know what may come of this opportunity for growth.

Throughout Monday and most of Tuesday October 29th with the Moon in Scorpio connecting with Venus and then Mercury we have opportunities to take some private quiet time and examine what we value; that’s the moon conjunct Venus Tuesday morning. A few hours later the moon will make a conjunction to Mercury in Scorpio as Mercury is slowing down to retrograde; I’ll get to that soon.

With the Moon moving over the area where Mercury will be retrograde from Monday mid-day till Tuesday early evening, pay close attention to whatever is coming up for you. This is the same area where Mercury will be retrograde October 31- till November 20. We get something like a sneak peek of what the retrograde will be like for us. Mercury and Venus are already moving through these areas so if you are at all aware of energy then hopefully you are moving with this energy and taking the action you feel is right for you. These things are very personal and super private for most us, even in this social media world there are some things the world should not know about. 😉 So work on the things that are very private for you and keep it to yourself for the greatest chance of healing deep wounds.

Late Tuesday afternoon the Moon will enter Sagittarius and remain in the sign through late Thursday night. This shift helps to lighten the mood, hopefully. I say hopefully because sometimes when the Moon is in this sign, we are very honest as well and the truth can hurt if it is not delivered with kindness or compassion. We may also use this Sagittarius Moon to be more truthful to ourselves and explore.

Wednesday October 30th the news of the day is Mercury and Venus conjunct in Scorpio. This will be initiating deep conversation throughout the day and peak in the evening. We also have this freedom loving Moon in Sagittarius in a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces and that can lighten the current mood or help us too pull the wool over our eyes in seeing the truth of a situation. Ha sometimes we need pretend everything is ok so we get a mental break from all the pressure of everyday life.

Thursday October 31st of course it’s Halloween and the celebration of Samhain from old and new pagan ways, the day the veil is the thinnest between the living and the dead. Today we can connect with ancestors more easily than ever.

We also have Mercury stationary to retrograde today at 11:41 am ET meaning communication can be difficult on this day and a few days on either side of it.

So here I am telling us we can communicate with our loved ones on the other side if we choose but also it’s a very difficult day for communicating; yes that is what I am saying. As you may know I’m not a big proponent of issues and concerns with Mercury retrograde. I believe all of the transits are here to help us grow and learn more about ourselves and the world we live in. This period of stationary means take your time and don’t force anything if you are feeling frustrated. If that is the case, just let it be and move on to something else that does not feel so frustrating. This is how we can use this energy of Mercury stationary for the few days on either side of October 31st.

Friday November 1st the news of the day is Venus is at the final degree of Scorpio so we may feel more intensity either in love relationships or financially. Venus in Scorpio can be very driven and obsessed but that period is over now. Venus enters the sign of Sagittarius at 4:25 PM ET and this is a significant change from Scorpio. For the next 3 weeks we feel playful and fun and we want to explore our truth and live life. YES!

The Moon will be in Capricorn Friday November 1st and Saturday November 2nd this is very good energy for feeling grounded and solid and contained. The whole week has been about taking these deep emotional dives and now with the Moon in Capricorn, we are logical and practical at least that’s what we’re seeking for a couple of days.

When the moon enters Aquarius Sunday November 3rd early in the morning it is time to get into our heads start thinking about the work week ahead and brainstorming for new projects.

Have a wonderful week my friends and if I can be of service please let me know


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