Astrology of November 4th – 10th The Waxing Moon – Mars square Saturn

Let’s start this week with a look at November 5th the big news here is Mars in Libra makes a square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. With these 2 planets in the signs that they’re in we may find it a little difficult to feel like we have any power or control over our life circumstances. Feeling edgy and out of sorts and we may not even know why. I am here to tell you not all feelings we have inside us are true, so if you do feel this way Monday into Tuesday take steps to make a change, make choices to feel powerful or resigned to the fact that you’re not feeling in control right now. All of these Options are perfectly normal.

Also, for all of Monday November 4th and most Tuesday November 5th the Moon will be in Aquarius which is a very analytical thinking energy it is not overly emotional. This is fine as we have smart choices to make Tuesday especially if you are involved in voting and elections as we are here in Georgia

Tuesday night at 6:08 PM ET the Moon enters the sign of Pisces and remains in that sign through all of Wednesday November 6 and Thursday November 7. We currently have Mercury retrograde in the water sign of Scorpio and the Moon in the water sign of Pisces over these 2-1/2 days so many of us will feel emotional, sensitive to our surroundings and highly intuitive. We need to be easy on ourselves and hold others with the same kind of understanding and compassion we know we need.

Another way we can engage positively with all this water energy is through creativity, imagination and artistic activities.

Friday the 8th, the Sun will sextile Saturn 12:06 pm ET and then make a trine aspect with Neptune 12:56 pm ET. With this combination between these three planets if we trust our intuition and take that path of least resistance then we will be able to meet our goals, complete projects and feel accomplished. So don’t be too heady, trust what your instincts are telling you and Friday will be an incredibly productive day.

For the weekend November 9th and 10th here are some of the specifics about this Aries Moon and other transits we have going on. First off, the moon entered the sign of Aries early Friday morning and remains in that sign till Sunday night. The overall energy of this is one of action and movement and discovery of what we personally need in our lives since Aries is so focused on the self.

This weekend in Georgia is the Natural Living Expo it is a huge event with hundreds of vendors and dozens of presentations every day. As an example of the Aries Moon and Mercury in Scorpio retrograde. A person could easily go about the whole weekend choosing one thing after another not spending too much time on one thing. Taking in a lecture here and there, getting a reading, buying books and crystals and learning about energy work etc. Whatever floats your boat this weekend and feels good to you, you are likely to do it without asking someone else what they think.

Now You don’t have to be going to a metaphysical Expo to use these energies. But what we will be doing no matter what your choice for the weekend activities are. You will be choosing from moment to moment exactly what you need based off of what you need not others. And with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio there are phenomenal opportunities to really go deep into something that is of interest to you; we call it research.

So, take this weekend and be proactive by learning something doing something educating yourself in something that you have a lot of interest in. It’s a fantastic weekend to do all of this as we’re in the waxing lunar phase getting ready for another Full Moon in a couple days .


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