Full Moon in Taurus November 12, 2019 8:34 AM ET

Let’s start with Monday November 11th. One of the coolest astronomical events occurs today it is called the oscillation of Mercury. This is when Mercury is at the same declination as the Sun or on it’s own Node. Here is the scientific explanation if you are interested in more. It is rare and only happens 13 times a century. https://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/dont-miss-mondays-rare-transit-of-mercury/
Astrologically with retrograde Mercury and the Sun conjunct at 18 degrees of Scorpio along with this astronomical event, Mercury moving in front the Sun, we may feel like the Phoenix that is burning into hash.  Locate 18th degree of Scorpio in your birth chart to see were you may be ending something so something else can be born. Journal how you are feeling now and over the coming weeks as Mercury moves through your Scorpio section. Because what Mercury stirs up Mars will come along November 20 to January 4 and encourage us to act. If you journal you will be able to look back at your notes to this point in time and see what the right action or subject matter is that needs your attention. I will talk about it in my weekly videos so if it doesn’t make total sense, I will cover it more as we move through the rest of the year.
We are also in the waxing Gibbous phase of the Moon on Monday as she conjuncts Uranus in the early morning hours. We may be feeling overly energized all night and find it hard to sleep. If you are inspired to get up early, then do so it could be a very creative time.
Tuesday November 12th, we have the Full Moon in Taurus at 8:34 am EST at 19 degrees. Taurus represents the things we love, beauty, stability and practicality. The books say the Moon is in her exaltation in this sign, meaning the second-best place for her to be and it does feel lovely and sensual too. But if you overdo things you engage the more challenging side of this sign, being stubborn, possessive, slow to move and possibly lazy. Everything has two sides and the Full Moon illuminates all the qualities that are present in your life. It shows us who we are and how we are using these Taurus traits. Maybe show you were you need to let go of what you have been stubbornly holding on to. Possibly illuminating your desire to be seen, payed attention to or treated like royalty by your love or vis versa.
So take some to examine what is coming up for you, what might be your main focus, is this Full Moon triggering anything in your life? Is something you love or value under a microscope right now? Full Moons will do that, they reflect back to us what we are putting out into the world and sometimes we are not aware of what that is. If there is something you are not happy about then it is time to shift your perspective. Find the value in whatever that is, and if you can’t then simply allow a release to happen. Go general forget the details, do a meditation, breathing exercise or something that gets you out of your head and allow your issues/stress to leave.
During this lunar phase many people also like to intentionally release what is no longer useful and that is a good thing to do. If you are aware of what you want to let go of then write it out and safely burn the paper to release.
Tuesday we also have Mars sextile to Jupiter, this is such positive energy for action and opportunity. If you need a burst of energy to complete a project you are working on, then this transit is here to help. It peaks in the middle of the day so the few days coming up to this point will be very active. Take advantage of it if something is lacking and not getting all your attention.
Wednesday November 13 and Thursday November 14 with the Moon in Gemini and Mercury retrograde in Scorpio including all the aspects that are created, these two days will feel like a whirlwind of communications. With Mercury sextile Saturn and trine Neptune on Wednesday we have a mix of clear and unclear communication. Don’t push against what you don’t understand, what seems clear is what needs to be seen, the rest of the things will settle out at a later date.
Thursday’s main focus will be Venus square to Neptune and Venus has just gone out of bounds in her declination/latitude. What does this foretell? We are sensitive, creative, inspired to be out in nature and to learn. This is beautiful energy for the artist, someone who needs to detach from the world for a while, take a break from the real world. I recommend in whatever way you are creative use Wednesday and Thursday for those activities.
In regard to love relationships, which is Venus territory as well, know your boundaries, take it slow so there are not misunderstandings between you and your love. When Venus and Neptune connect in this way it is like fog rolling in, we can’t see everything clearly and issues come up because we are unclear. It is happening to all of us so be gentle and kind to yourself and others. Plus, we still have Mercury stilling up old memories too, so be careful by taking things slow and don’t take anything to seriously just yet. The fog will clear soon enough.
Friday November 15th through Sunday November 17th the Moon will be in Cancer for most of these 3 days. We may all feel sensitive to our surroundings, we may want to stay home because the world may feel a bit overwhelming at times or we are focused around home as many people are getting ready for family holiday traditions.


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