Magical Practioners are Magically through Journaling Wk 1.

Over the years maybe you have heard people or family say " Count your Blessings" and when you think about the things you're grateful for that's exactly what you're doing. Please realize that counting your blessings is one of the most powerful practices you can ever do!! as a"  Magical Practitioner  you will turn your life around! When we are not counting our blessings we can fall into the trap of unintentionally counting negative things. We count negative things when we talk about the things we don't have. When we count negative things they increase too, but on top of that, with every negative things we count, we cancel out blessings that were on their way. I have tried both-counting my blessings and counting negative things-and I can assure you that counting your blessings is the only way to have abundance in your life.
First thing in the morning, (preferably)  reason everyone will get on your plate!, Count Your Blessings. You can write out your list by hand type it on a computer, or use a special book or journal and keep all of your gratitude in one place. You will make a list of ten blessings in your life you are grateful for. The main word that will help you brainstorm your blessings is the word WHY..
When you think about reason Why you're grateful for a particular thing, person, or situation, you will feel gratitude more deeply.
Once you write each idea you must put feelings behind each one. the power of your gratitude is from your expression and depth of your emotions.... 
After you have finish making your list of ten blessings , read each one out loud preferable, when you get to the end of each blessing say the Magic words three times Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. and feel the gratitude for that blessing as much as you can.... 
To help you feel more Gratitude you can be grateful to the Universe, The Divine, The Source, God, Spirit, goodness, life , your Higher self or any other concept you are drawn to . When you direct gratitude toward something or someone, you will feel it even  more and your gratitude will have even more power, and create even more magic. 


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