November 25 – December 1st New Moon Sagittarius – Venus Capricorn

Monday November 25th the news of the day is not till the evening when Venus leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn all the while the Moon in Scorpio is in her balsamic phase and making aspects to Neptune, Saturn and Pluto.
But what does all this mean? We have a full day with Venus at the final degree of Sagittarius, encouraging us to play, explore and have fun while learning and sharing our knowledge with others. The Scorpio Moon in this phase speaks to deep connections, deep emotions and the willingness to go as deep as needed to get to the bottom of a situation or to understand something completely.
When Venus enters Capricorn, the shift will be toward valuing stability, feeling financially secure, not taking to many risks with money, being responsible with your money. This could mean a practical holiday season where we buy more useful things as opposed to over the top frivolous items.  Venus remains in Capricorn till December 20.
November 26th the New Moon at the 4th degree of Sagittarius 10:06 am ET. I do enjoy this New Moon every year, it is a time to celebrate, time to set goals and begin new things from a Sagittarius point of view. Playing, exploring life, sharing your beliefs and knowledge or taking new classes so you can grow and expand into something else.
Learning to be honest with yourself and trustworthy with your own beliefs. Follow your intuition and build self-confidence. This New Moon is in a quincunx aspect to Uranus and that means all of a sudden there can be a shift a reason to change something that has stood a long long time. It is an opportunity to be or do something different then what is normal for you. Static quo is not always were the biggest amount of growth comes from, it comes from stepping out and doing or allowing something different to happen.
So set your goals, your New Moon wishes with those things in mind. Lots of Sagittarius stuff but with a bit of unexpected happenings too thanks to Uranus.
Wednesday November 27th is not a busy day for transits at all. The only thing that happens is Neptune turns direct, but he is so far from here he has appeared stationary for weeks now.
Thursday November 28th Thanksgiving Day in the USA. Early in the morning the Moon enters Capricorn and through the day she makes numerous aspects. The overall feeling of today is one of tradition and standards. What are yours?
One another hand since there are always many ways to interpret a transit, we might just be inclined to start a new tradition. This would be perfect for the new family just starting out, or for those of us who always do the same thing.
Today we also have Venus in a trine to Uranus, here we can step outside the box, explore new things, maybe we will feel inventive and creative today. If you have any planets near 4 degrees of Virgo then Venus and Uranus will activate that planet in a good way, inspiring you personally to be creative and inventive today.
Now we are heading into Black Friday November 29th with the Moon in Capricorn conjunct Venus, Saturn and Pluto I really don’t see this as being extravagant or excessive, but more refined, practical and sensible. If you saved money to spend now that is great, have fun spending your holiday money. But if you don’t have extra be smart and practical. Venus, the lady in charge of money and the things we value is in Capricorn and Capricorn can limit us so shop wisely.
Saturday November 30th the news of the day is when the Moon enters Aquarius at 3:13 pm ET and makes a square aspect to Uranus we can expect sudden shifts to occur around that time. A shift in feelings, emotions, mood.
Sunday December 1st is a quiet day overall with the Moon in analytical Aquarius. The aspect it makes to Mars early in the morning is so early most of us will sleep right through it or wake early feeling electrically charged for the day.
Quietly sitting in the background today is Jupiter at the final degree of his sign. Maybe you do feel like you are missing something today, like you want to do something but not sure what. Feeling ready to take on the world and share your truth. This is the final day Jupiter will be in his home sign for another 12 years and he doesn’t want to miss anything so this may inspire many of us to be overly busy as the day winds down.


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