Practical Magick for People on the Go Money Uncrossing Bath!! Pt1.

Happy Magic Family

Those of us who work  know both the blessings and burdens of responsibility. 

All of us,  could use financial support, so this series of emails is dedicated to offering practical magick for people in a hurry.

In my last email, we discussed that magick works because of “balance”. So – before we call in our desires (more clients, more money, more financial freedom) – lets first release whatever is standing in our way with a Money Uncrossing Bath.

What You’ll Need

  • A drop of ammonia: Removes bigger blocks and obstacles
  • 10 Bay leaves: They protect, remove evil and bring luck, victory, and money
  • Green food coloring: Refers to money
  • An egg: To absorb negative energy and bring renewal

Timing: This bath should be taken on a Waning Moon Phase..


  1. Fill the tub with warm water.
  2. Add a single tiny drop of ammonia (use a dropper)
  3. Add 10 bay leaves (10 is the number for “new chapters”)
  4. Add green food coloring.
  5. Get in the tub, bringing the egg with you.
  6. Move the egg around your body. (Don’t let it break)
  7. After 10 minutes, get out of the tub, get dressed, take the egg outside of your home & throw it away.
  8. Wait 24 hours before doing a ritual for financial increase

The next one will feature an Abundance Bath, which you can take after this one. Oh – and please note: These are Spiritual Baths, not regular baths. A regular bath or shower is your “prequel” to a Spiritual Bath.


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