Taurus Full Moon Exalted to Greatness!! November 2019......

November heralds an interestingly named Full “Frost” Moon, in the gentle sign of Taurus on 12 November. The names for the New and Full Moons often originate from the Native American Tradition, which assigns seasonal descriptions to each lunation to assist with hunting and gathering – all important in ancient tribal cultures.
In astrology, certain planets are more comfortable in certain signs, and when the Moon is in earthy Taurus, she is known as “exalted” – which means she is extra-comfy and sensual! This delicious and juicy Full Moon can be one where we indulge our senses, one where we may have to watch for overindulgence and escapism – for as tasty as something is at first, there’s always a price to pay!
Full Moons also relate to Release as the Moon wanes in light, and so we can look forward to releasing Taurus-related things such as physical possessions we don’t need anymore, bad habits that keep us stuck or complacent and indulgences that don’t nourish us any longer but simply keep us in a comfort zone.

Energies affecting this Full Moon

Venus is in charge of this Taurus Full Moon, and she is sitting quite prettily in the fun-loving sign of Sagittarius, inviting us to shift from comfort into adventure! However, as the Full Moon reaches her peak, Venus squares dreamy Neptune and the fairy-tale may not be as charming as it seems – we may have to watch our personal boundaries when it comes to love, money or other pleasures.
Fortunately, this Full Moon also has a delightful trine to this self-same Neptunian energy, which helps us to see beyond earthly delights and into the depths, awakening our intuition and balancing matters of the spirit with matters of the flesh! It’s a compassionate Full Moon, which is much needed, as the square between Mars and Pluto may invite power struggles and violent disagreements/

5 Tips for making the most of the Full Moon in Taurus

1. Celebrate your body – A Taurus Full Moon in sensual and sweet, and celebrating your body through indulging the senses is a great way to get back in touch with yourself!

2. Get into Nature – This zodiac sign is all about Mother Nature, so head for a barefoot walk on the grass or a moonrise hike up a mountain – your body and soul will thank you!
3. Cleanse in the Ocean – The strong Neptune influence on this Full Moon invites you to take a drip in the sea, in a river or even in a salt-infused bath! Relax and Release!
4. Watch your Boundaries – Neptune is also all about boundaries, so whilst it can be great to be empathetic, make sure you’re not being taken for a ride and keep your senses and intuition sharp over this Full Moon.
5. Forgive and Let Go – All Full Moons ask for letting go, but this one specifically invites forgiveness, especially with the Mars-Pluto Square. Forgiveness will, ultimately, release you!
Taurus Mantra
I release and let go of all that weighs me down. I ask for closure on all that is unresolved. I ask for peace and love in my heart. I am ready to forgive, I am ready to move on. I am ready to welcome in the new. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”


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