Why There is Magic in Journaling Pt 2.

Why Magic in Journaling"?
This week we are adding to our Practice and it is with a Magical Crystal. 
Choose a Quartz Clear Crystal or a Rock in your garden as an option. Once you select it. Put it by
your bedside in a place where you will see it when you go to bed. Tonight before you go to sleep pick up your Magic Crystal hold it in your palm of your hand. Find the best thing that happened that day you are grateful for. Then say the magic words "Thank You for the best thing that happened out loud or in your mind.. I preferred out loud you believe what you say with your giving voice... Return the magic crystal to its place next to your bed. Every nigh for the next 31 days follow the same Magic Crystal practice as a focal point. Seems like such a simple thing to do, but through this practice you will see magical things begin to happen in your life. Part 1 you should have implemented Count Your Blessings and Magic Crystal will ensure that you begin and end your days in a state of Gratitude. 
" It is so powerful that together it will change your life in a few months. Because gratitude is magnetic and attracts more things to be grateful for will intensify automatically magnetize everything you want and need to you
Here are our instruction Practice Part 2.
1. Repeat Steps 1 Count Your Blessings. ( we have this on video in you tube playlist and it is in the blog).
2. Get the Magic Crystal put it by your bedside.
3. Before gong to bed hold your Magic Crystal in your hand and thing of the best thing that happened today.
4. Say the Magic Words " Thank You for the best thing that happened today".
5. Repeat the Magic Crystal practice every night 31 days


  1. This, and each of your spiritual instructions are so extremely valuable. I continue journaling every morning now, right after meditation. I absolutely love being a member of the North Node Tribe. I am blessed to have discovered your beautiful awesomeness. Goddess Ronnita, you rock!!! Peace and ongoing Blessings to you and your loved ones!


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