January 13th to January 19th, 2020 There is More Saturn/Pluto/Sun/Mercury

We are in a Week of Integration

How did you manage last week with the Cancer eclipse and the pile up in Capricorn? I did good, handled some family matters and used the energy from both the Cancer eclipse and the Capricorn conjunctions. I would like to hear how you have done if you want to share.

We start this week with the Sun making its’ exact conjunction to Pluto and then Saturn on Monday the 13th. The results of the Sun connecting to Pluto and Saturn right after their conjunction will bring moments of enlightenment and illumination in regard to whatever your main focus has been these last few weeks. This would be relating to your work, your reputation, how you are responsible for yourself or others. Those types of things and other details only you know about.

Monday also has Venus leaving Aquarius and entering Pisces, her sign of exaltation. While Venus is in this sign, she is also rising high in the night sky. So beautiful and sparkly and bright. Our hopes and dreams of deep love will flourish during her 3 1/2 week in this sign.

Monday the 13th and Tuesday the 14th we also have the Moon in Virgo it is helpful for focusing in on the details, being grounded and sorting through what is on your do to list.

Wednesday January 15th the Moon will enter Libra and we shift into a more neutral place seeking harmony and balance wherever it is needed.
Wednesday also contains the Venus sextile Uranus aspect which can be fun and exciting for those people who are actively being creative, working your finances or in the dating world. We will also feel a sense of uniqueness in the world and a need to express ourselves.

Thursday January 16th Mercury enters Aquarius the 3rd air sign of the zodiac and a sweet place for Mercury. Over the coming 3 weeks as Mercury moves through this sign, be open for communications to come from a different source then you may be use to, we are inspired to try new things, come up with new ideas and seek out inspiration in places we don’t usually look.

Friday January 17th may be the stressful day of the week in a general sense. Before Sun rise the late degree Libra Moon will square Pluto, Saturn and the Sun. This can feel like a pressure cooker and loaded with emotional drama. I am glad it is really early in the morning so most of us won’t feel a thing because we will still be sleeping though some of us may rise on the wrong side of the bed. Once the Moon enters Scorpio at 1:20 PM EST and for the next 5 hours it will create a fixed “T” square in the sky above with Mercury in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. How does this feel? Whenever the Moon is in Scorpio we are being asked to go deep and really feel what is happening under the surface. Add to that the square to Mercury which is our capacity to understand and communicate how we’re feeling from those depths that the Moon in Scorpio is expecting. The Moon opposition to Uranus is the wild card transit that happens at 5:55 PM EST, with this connection we feel a sense of uniqueness and need for freedom and sudden emotional release.

We never really know how Uranus transits will play out because he is always full of surprises and wants us to stay on the edge of creating and being unique. By the time we get to Saturday morning January 18th 3:32 AM EST Mercury will be in an exact square with Uranus making Saturday and even Sunday January 19th 2 days of thinking outside the box, being your unique self and allowing new and amazing ideas and thoughts to flow to you.

And since we are in the waning Lunar phase we should still be allowing more of the old things to drop away.


  1. Thank you for the information on what to expect in the forthcoming days, and weeks ahead. There are not enough appropriate words to express my true appreciation of you for sharing your very special gifts. I do have the power of wish-craft though, and from my heart, I wish you and your loved ones health, wealth, joy, love, peace, and an prosperity in every area, and level of life. Peace, and ongoing Blessings!


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