Astrology Forecast February 18th-24th Virgo Super Full Moon

Monday the 18th  is the day the Sun enters Pisces and Venus conjuncts with Saturn which has two very different feelings. Early in the day the Venus Saturn conjunction in Capricorn is all about staying focused and being committed to the things that are important to us. Feeling safe, stable, secure and in control in regards to our careers ,finances and our love relationships.

Throughout the day the Moon in Leo is inspiring us to be creative and let our passions out to play.
Later, in the day at 6:04 pm e.s.t. the Sun enters the final sign of winter and that is Pisces. While the Sun moves through this sign we might feel at little more connected to our fellow beings on the planet. Pisces is everything and nothing it is the collective , and it is compassion and understanding that we are all one. No matter what your zodiac sign is during this time of year we can all feel a little closer to our source, our soul our fellow man.

Tuesday February 19th at 10:54 a.m. e.s.t. is the next Full Moon and this one is also a Super Moon; and this one is the closet Full Moon to the earth this year.We have 3 Super Moons in row and this one is number 2 out of 3. Why do we mention this as astrologers since Super Moons are an astronomy thing? Because when the Moon is this to the planet we feel the pull of its much stronger and that means our emotions will feel stronger as well.

This Full Moon is also at zero degrees of Virgo last moths Full Moon was also at zero degrees, so once again we are being told to release something that no longer serves us so we can immediately make room for something else to enter. It is perfect for recognizing anything you have missed so you can now work toward manifesting whatever is not complete yet. The most important thing about this Full Moon is it matches up with the New Moon eclipse from August 21, 2017 which was at 28 degrees of Leo. Do you remember this one? It was the eclipse in the middle of the afternoon here in he USA "The Great American Eclipse" it was called . We all experience it in some way and millions of people saw it which has a lot of significance. I want you to look back to that time period and the few weeks on either side of Aug 21,2017 and see what you intimated around then what where your New Moon goals at that eclipse? Did you make major changes then ?

I remember it wasn't but a few days later that the US was hit by a devastating hurricane and many of lives were changed forever then.I know that everyone experience losing everything they had but many an lives had to be rebuilt. If you were one of those people I hope you are settled at this point in time.
When we get to today's ' Full Moon at zero Virgo now is when we should see the full picture begun 28 months ago. And since Full Moons are the culmination of all our work over the 18 months and in some cases just since the last New Moon which was 2 weeks ago, we are ready willing to get to the point of things We should gather any additional information that is presented to us and start putting things into place. This is Virgo's job to organize information we have gathered and take action where we are being directed to. Do not delay organizing your life or the things that are asking for your attention. This is the perfect way to use this Super Full Moon in Virgo that is connected to our nations most powerful eclipse in ages.
So what are the little details you need to pay attention too? What has the little voice in your head been telling you? what one of two little things can you adjust or change in your life to make your focus better and more effective? Is there a new habit you can incorporate into your life now that would be healthy and healing? These are all questions this Full Moon is asking us..

Wednesday the 20th
With the Moon moving through Virgo all day and making different aspects to many other planets our main focus is as already mentioned to stay focused on what our daily chores and actvities are and if changes are needed start them now.

Thursday February 21st
at 9:17 am e.s.t the Moon enters Libra for the next 2 1/4 days shifting our focus slightly from all the details to finding our daily balance and harmony wherever it is needed. Being that we are now in the waning lunar phase as well it may be easier at this point to let go of the things we have identified as not useful during the Full Moon few days ago. We will feel this impulse the whole time the Moon is in Libra.

Friday February 22nd
The Moon is till in Libra and we also have Mercury Jupiter square with Venus conjunct Pluto. Lets tackle the Mercury Jupiter square, this transit creates an opportunity to seethe truth in some life situation that you may not have been clear on. Maybe you didn't know there  was an issue or you had missed something this transit will bring whatever this it to your attention. Late in the night at 10:53 pm e.s.t Venus in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto, it is possible you have  been feeling this transit coming for a few days and it would have felt like something serious was happening in regards to your personal love relationship, your important business partnerships or in the world of finances. Venus Pluto is intense,serious and can invoke lots of drama and it can brig things p that have been hidden from sight so we can work on whatever this is. If yo know where Pluto is currently in your chart then that is the area of focus for this transit. It may be an intense Friday which could be welcomed or disruptive, those details depend on your current life situations. Remember don't create a problem if you don't have one.

Over the weekend Saturday the 23rd and Sunday the 24th the Scorpio Moon happily intensifies our feelings life situations and makes sure we don't miss anything if we have feelings about it. When the Moon is in this sign we love to get the bottom of things.Researching favorite things or watching mystery movies all fall under the category of Scorpio.

Have an Awesome Week,
Ecliptic Spiritualist


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