Astrology Forecast February 25th – March 3rd
Astrology Forecast February 25th – March 3rd Venus Uranus Square Freedom ~ Restless ~ Willful
Let’s get started by looking at the Moon on Monday February25th. She is in Scorpio and still making her rounds with some of the planets very early in the morning. This means if you are an early bird, before 7:14 am ET, then you can use this lunar sign to dig deep into the things that are on your mind. After that time the Moon is “Void of Course” till 4:19 pm ET. So from 7:15 am till 4:15 pm there will be very little stopping any momentum you may have already in motion. My recommendation to start our day on the right foot is, upon waking do a sort meditation or positive affirmations. If this is normal for you excellent, if it is not give it a try it is such a wonderful way to start your day.
The Moon enters Sagittarius at 4:15 pm ET and its first aspect in this energized zodiac sign is a trine aspect to Chiron in Aries. This is the first easy aspect Chiron has felt since he moved into Aries on Monday the 18th so we can expect to have moments of enlightenment today that reveals a truth about ourselves that we should take action on.
Tuesday February 26th the Sagittarius Moon will square the Sun early in the morning which ushers us into the next lunar phase that is the 4th quarter. For the next week as the Moon wanes in her cycle we should be looking at what is useful and needed in our lives so we are able to release the things that not needed. Keep it simple, maybe you just need to declutter an area of your home, or stop letting something from your past take up so much space in your present moment. Things like that. But please don’t make a huge deal out this because we have this lunar phase every month; but don’t ignore it either. If you find you are taking extra time over the next few days in making choices that is fine, let the energy flow in and out as it needs to.
Adding to releasing feel of the day is Sun and Neptune is squared by the Moon early morning and late evening. They are all in mutable signs which are flexible and changeable this is why I said let the energy move as it needs to.
Wednesday February 27th the fun loving, truth speaking Sagittarius Moon is conjunct Jupiter and square to Mercury on this day. When I see these aspects it reminds me to be honest with those around me and with myself. Be careful not to overstate or brag about what you are doing. With these aspects we are tempted to exaggerate and when the Moon moves into Capricorn we will pay the price. BUT if you are the fun loving creative type that likes to write and tell stories well this aspect is for you, have fun with this.
The Sun ends the day in a sextile aspect to Mars in Taurus which overall feels receptive to our intuitive impulses, don’t over think these impulses if you have them, just go with the flow.
Thursday February 28th the Moon will enter Capricorn in the middle of the night. When the Moon is in this sign we tend to be more practical about our daily activates and not as tolerant of fiery emotions. Capricorn is the practical side of everything so if you need to be serious about something that is usually a hot button issue then over the next 2 days as the Moon moves through this sign you have the opportunity to handle whatever “it” is in a mature fashion.
Friday March 1st is the first day this week that we have anything of great significances. First we have Venus and Uranus squaring off at the final degree of Capricorn and Aries 7:32 am ET. Now you should know the final degrees of all zodiac signs are important and they feel urgent, add in the square aspect and you may be feeling like you are about to miss your flight and you have forgotten to pack something important.
With Venus in Capricorn since February 4th the focus here would be solidifying all things in regards to how we earn money to taking our new relationships to a more serious level. That is what the last 3 weeks was about in regards to Venus.
The other piece of this square is Uranus at the final degree of Aries, we feel the need to be free, independent and open to exploring new interests.
As you can tell these energies may not mix well so Friday you will be able to see both of these energies and decide what is most important to you.
Contemplate this; can you feel freedom within the structure of a committed relationship?
A little later at 11:45 am ET Venus enters the sign Aquarius. Uranus, the final planet she meet with before entering Aquarius is the ruler of Aquarius. So she got a clue from Uranus just before she left Capricorn; now that was a smart idea Venus.
Think of it like this, Venus comes up to Uranus she whispers in his ear what she learned about being in Capricorn, structure, feeling secure, solid, maybe to controlled and in turn Uranus whispers in her ear how she can use the Aquarius energy over the next 3 weeks. It is a good trade off; she will be exploring new ways of expressing herself. Relationships will take on a unique flare so you can explore how to feel free within structure. In this sign she is also interested in unique ways to express what she thinks is beautiful and different ways to make and spend money.
I like this energy, personally I have many inner circles friends that have this in their charts and they are all very normal people but if you scratch the surface just a little bit you will find out that they are trend setters and breakers of rules. Willing to stand up for a cause they believe in and not lie down just to keep others happy. The transit of Venus through this sign over the next 3 weeks means we all get infused with some of this impulsive, freedom loving, inspirational energy and it starts now.
Friday afternoon/evening another transit happening is the Moon’s monthly conjunction to Saturn 1:23 pm ET and then Pluto 10:49 pm ET. These transits always make me feel like I need to do more and haven’t done enough. Maybe you will feel this too, maybe you won’t. Some people might stay late to work or bring work home with them for the weekend. This is defiantly not an overly relaxing night but if you need something done that you keep putting off the Capricorn Moon is willing to help if you choose to use it.
Saturday March 2nd the Moon sextiles Mercury making for a talkative morning which is good because the next aspect this afternoon, if not handled well can be explosive emotionally if we are holding back.
In the afternoon the Moon will square Uranus for a few hours from the same place that Venus was on Monday, 29 Capricorn. Pay attention for a few hours around 2:00 pm ET on Saturday because some old feelings we didn’t work through on Monday may surface now.
At 2:06 pm ET the Moon enters Aquarius and at 5:03 pm conjuncts Venus now we can spend Saturday night thinking too much about what we didn’t say or express. So make sure and use the prior transit to speak up. A more positive way to this current transit is to think outside the box and find something unique to do Saturday night to expand your world.
Sunday March 3rd is a quiet day as the Moon moves through Aquarius. Most of us will be in our heads thinking and processing. If it gets to noisy in there make sure and find some time to meditate or listen to music.
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