Astrology Forecast March 25th – 31st Mercury moves forward. Venus in Pisces – Mars in Gemini

Balloons Are My Daily InspirationThis week might seem slow and boring compared to the last few weeks but I always have plenty to talk about.

Let’s begin with the current lunar phase. This week the Moon is in a waning phase. That means we are tying up loose ends, finishing projects or getting ready to begin something new while letting go of a number of things that no longer serve us.
We have two planets changing signs and Mercury standing still as he prepares to move forward once again.

Monday March 25th the main theme is the Moon in Sagittarius. This is easy going, carefree, fun loving energy that loves to learn through doing and experiencing. In a nut shell if you are feeling any of these things don’t hold back, whether you are at work, home or on vacation.

Tuesday March 26th we have the same Sagittarius Moon energy but she is making a couple hard aspects to Mercury and Neptune. I say we keep our flow going and if we feel a little confused about something just let that be the dominate feeling for now. If we are having a hard time making choices today then do what you have to and do the important things at another time.
In addition to this lunar emphasis we also have Venus changing signs; she will be entering one of her favorite signs, Pisces at 3:43 pm ET. She is taking off the garb of the analytical, independent, freedom loving sign of Aquarius and now slipping into something a little more revealing and comfortable. When Venus is in this sign she is romantic, dreamy, artistic, and inspired. It is soft easy energy for a change and it will last for the next 25 days so if you are inspired to dream bigger, take a chance on a romantic encounter or simply purchase a few new fluffy pillows I say, Go For it!

Wednesday March 27th the waning Moon enters Capricorn which is not the easiest place for the Moon but it has a purpose. From 10:00 am today through to Friday evening the Moon is in Capricorn, during this time you may feel the need to be orderly, to get some work done or to take charge. Since the Moon is in the waning phase that additionally means we are emotionally motivated to complete things that are undone.
At the same time we also have Mercury in the 24 hour period before he turns direct. If you follow my work I say this all the time and you would know it, the day on either side and the day of Mercury changing directions is usually the hardest of the retrograde days. This is because he is not moving and we can feel stuck and unclear about what direction to take. In addition to this he is also right next to Neptune in Pisces during this station and that can create a lot of confusion and unclear thoughts and feelings Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

So hearing myself as I write this I know I am saying two very different things about today’s energy but it is true. On one hand we will be feeling motivated to complete projects and get stuff done thanks to the Capricorn Moon, on the other hand we may feel blocked, foggy or confused about what we should be doing. This is real life; who doesn’t have somethings working really well in one area of life and a bit messy in another area.
We need to be easy on ourselves and others this week. If things feel super tough for you then surrender to what is. Slow down, breathe a little deeper and back off from pushing too hard, tomorrow is another day.

Thursday March 28th Mercury shifts into forward motion at 9:59 am ET but it will take a full day before he even puts his foot on the gas pedal. So be patient today and simply take your time with whatever you are working on. The Moon is still in Capricorn and would like us to feel accomplished in some way and we can if we take our time.

Friday March 29th the Moon is still in Capricorn and she will activate Saturn, Pluto and the South Node early in the morning so I don’t expect these transits to be very impactful.
But there is some activity as the Moon makes her final aspect from this sign. That aspect is a trine to Mars at the final degree of Taurus at 8:05 pm ET. The last degree of a fixed sign (which Taurus is) can feel urgent. We feel as if we are missing something; you know what I mean like when we are running late and hurrying all around the house. It can feel like anxiety or an abundance of energy we don’t know what to do with. So what do we do with this energy? That will depend on the placement in your natal chart. Or wait for it show up and you will feel it and know what to do.
The Moon enters the analytical sign of Aquarius at 9:46 pm.

Saturday and Sunday March 30 – 31 with the Aquarius Moon dominate over the weekend we can use our time to think things through, brain storm, and be innovative and creative.
Mars enters Gemini Saturday night Sunday morning depending on where you live and with Mars in Gemini this adds more power to the analytical overview of the weekend.
There is a lot of communicating going on this weekend, like the flood gates have opened now that Mercury is facing forward and he has support from other planets being in air signs. The communications might be messy right now but at least we can get a dialog going.
Being that we are also in the final lunar phase now I am certain some of the dialog we are having will be with ourselves.

That’s it for now; I hope you have a wonderful week and please share this forecast. Helping me to get the word out is the only way I can continue to serve you this content. Thank you for your heartfelt support! Brightest blessings,


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