Daily Magical Practice 3/26/19

t's Tuesday!! And since its Chooseday!! We got a lot great things that we can choose for our life!! Make sure you review todays Fresh Tarot Card Reading that is up!! and the Astro Forecast on the blog... I invest value into our Forecast minimum of 7 hours make sure we are aligned with the cosmos! Love to do it !!! https://eclipticspiritualist7.blogspot.com/2019/03/astrology-forecast-march-25th-31st.html Please SUBSCRIBE we can grow and go their as well... and yes share the blog and the videos bless someone else that is Awake!! 5d... Yes ..the Golden Age!!.....we are in the moon of sagittarius, and third quarter moon waning. For your magical practice and elment of fire burn Ylang-Ylang and the color for today is Scarlet.... I follow the magical almanac for my everyday living an you my use this practice so that you are consistent.. the book is LLewellyns 2019..Almanac... Great investment.... Let me know if you would like for me share certain topics that interest you as well.. I have a wealth of information... that will have you dig deeper... Love you All !! lets keep growing and going 2019... P.S.We are almost at the end of the 1st quarter of 2019.... lets get our dreams and goals moving!! Love Ronnita, EclipiticSpiritualist..


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