Today Magical Practice!! Thursday 3/14/2019

Happy Thursday!! We are entering in Spring shortly so lets get into the aspect of colors, and vibrations of New Birth!! Spring forth what we have planted since Fall!! As I drink my morning blend of cinnamon coffee and thinking Wow!! Are we ready for this!! and prepared for the Goddess of Spring Ostara( I love this vibe)...Bring Forth the New Birth!! YES!!! Getting outdoors and enjoying the longer daytime !!.... Going to the parks and getting grounded...The Fresh Daily Tarot Card reading is up!! Page of Pentacles!! Go MODE!!.. take, watch, journal, come back tonight see how it resonates with you!!...The Astro Forcast is up to https://eclipticspiritualist7.blogspo... ..Yes this is vital to your daily life!!!...subscribe to this blog .... Today the Moon sign is in Gemini, and enters Cancers 5:49am and waxing moon second quarter we enter at 6:27am... The color for the day is Green and if your want your element of fire ... Light up Incense Jasmine....As a Magical practioner you should be doing the work everyday... Change your life~......... Make sure you get in your March Psychic Intuitive Reading...... and Spell work too... Appointments fill up FAST..... Oh Yes New: Tea & Tarot Friday Nights Affair..... 6p.m.-12midnight e.s.t.... Schedule your appointments to spend time with me and look into fun reading and get charged up for the new week........ Love you all!!! Dig Deep..... You are your own BluePrint.....


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