Full Moon in Libra — Astrology Forecast April 15 – 24, 2019

Let’s get started with the forecast for the week of April 15th. The big news of this week is the Full Moon at the final degree of Libra on Friday but before I get to that let’s start at the beginning of the week.
Monday April 15th we start the day early with a Virgo Moon, while she is in this sign Monday and Tuesday the 16th we can expect our focus to be about the daily routine, work duties and co-workers are highlighted for a couple days and so is our overall health. With the connections the Moon is making over these two days we are doing our best to feel normal and grounded in routine activities.

At the same time we also have Venus in her most soft and romantic sign squaring off with Jupiter in Sagittarius Monday evening. Now Jupiter wants to make everything a big deal so pay close attention Monday evening that you don’t blow something out of proportion. Also during these two days pay close attention to your spending it will be easy to go overboard with purchases right now.

Wednesday April 17th is the day Mercury finally leaves Pisces and moves into Aries. He has been in Pisces since February 11th which has opened many of us up to working with our intuition, trusting those gut instincts and also feeling a bit foggy and unsure about many things.
Now that Mercury is moving through Aries over the coming 3 weeks we are much more animated in our conversations, we feel driven to speak what is on our minds and to finally see clearly where we need to take action after weeks of being in the fog.
The Moon changes signs this morning at 7:22 am ET entering the sign of Libra and a few minutes later will connect with Mercury. This is the exact placement of last month’s Full Moon in Libra, the first degree so it is a sensitive place today. What might happen? Most likely an important conversation with a partner will happen or maybe some news you have been waiting to hear about will finally come. Lost mail can show up and emails will start pouring in your inbox.
With the Moon waxing to Full soon we should be able to feel the emotion rising within us, the need for harmony and balance which is the essence of what Libra is all about.
So throughout Wednesday and into Thursday as the Moon is getting brighter and bigger in Libra our emotional focus is doing the same.
Thursday ushers in some intense squares with Saturn and Pluto in the afternoon and evening and that means we need to make some adjustments to what we think is solid and strong. It will most likely show up as tension and stress. So if you are feeling your emotions building and can see where something is way out of balance know you are right on track. If there is something you can do to help bring a situation back into balance do it. If you cannot do anything then it is your job to figure out how you can let it go. I think a lot of us sensitive people will be able to see clearly what is wrong in our environments and make changes where we can and let the rest be what it is.

So why are things feeling so sensitive when the Moon is in an air sign you may or may not ask? This is because this is the second Full Moon in Libra in a row; this one is at the final degree of Libra. The last Full Moon we had was a Super Moon at zero Libra on March 20th, bookend Full Moons.
When the Moon is at the final degree of any sign as it is here, and a Full Moon to boot, we have a huge amount of Libra energy that has been building up. When this happens we feel extreme emotions, some things can feel critical. Everything has come to a head and now something has to give. This could be a personal situation in your life or it could be something that impacts you from the world news.

The Full Moon at 29 degrees of Libra is Friday April 19th at 7:12 am ET.
Expect Friday to be interesting because there will be a deep need to let go of the thing bothering us the most so we can regain our balance and harmony; a few minutes after the Full Moon the Moon enters her most intense placement the sign of Scorpio. This means all of Friday and Saturday the Scorpio Moon will help us to dive as deep as we want into whatever our current emotional situation is. We may be interested in connecting deeply with our beloved; maybe we will dive deep into our own emotional state or be inspired to seek out emotional counseling.

Saturday April 20th The Sun enters Taurus and Venus enters Aries what a different combination of energies. For the next month while the sun moves through Taurus here in the Northern hemisphere we are planting, sending down roots, doing things that help us feel grounded and secure. This time of year is one of my favorite since here in NH we finally get to see things growing, beautiful flowers blooming. It is a time of beauty.
Today we also have Venus moving into Aries. Not her favorite zodiac sign but she is here once a year so she gets it. Venus in Aries is assertive and goes for what she wants. Unlike the prior sign she was in, there she was seductive and secretive, now she simple tells you what she wants or goes for it.

Sunday April 21st at 11:59 am the Moon moves into Sagittarius so let the games begin. This is a fun and entertaining place for the Moon to be. I know it is Easter for many people and a lot of families gather today to celebrate. It is a wonderful day to do just that.


  1. Hey Sis! I finally found you this is really good enjoyed the read!

  2. Thanks so much ! I am so grateful I found you on YouTube! You have been a blessing! Peace and blessings to you!


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