Astrology Forecast May 27th – June 2nd 2019 Communication Time!!

All 3 planets in their own signs makes a strong statement
Mercury in Gemini and Out of Bounds means extreme communications. Information overload and confusion for some.
 This whole week we are in the waning lunar phase and what that means for everything I am about to talkabout is we are processing things to make space for what is next, releasing unwanted items or projects that may have stalled. It could be a project or idea started just a few weeks ago at that new moon or something from 3 years ago. Either time frames work but don’t limit yourself to just those time frames, simply recognize what this week is all about as we prep for the coming New Moon in Gemini.

On Monday May 27th we have the Moon in Pisces; when she is in this sign once a month we may feel a little unfocused and nebulous. This is a wonderful time for getting into alignment with your higher self and tapping into your compassionate side.  We may also simply want to take some time to unplug and relax in the way that works best for you. This will be supported as the Moon moves through Pisces today and tomorrow and makes connections to Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter.

I know today is also a holiday in the US so many people will not be working and it is traditionally a day to gather with family and friends to remember those who have gone before us or simply enjoy the company of those we love. Thank you Pisces Moon for making this an easy day to take off.

If you do have to work today and focus on tasks remember to follow the easiest path, whatever feels like flow. Trying too hard today to get something done with this lunar energy may not be easy.

Tuesday May 28th Moon is still in Pisces and we don’t get a good push to begin our activities of the day until the Moon enters Aries at 2:32 pm ET. If you had the last 3 days off, and even if you didn’t today may it may take a little extra time or coffee to get the day going.

Wednesday May 29th and Thursday May 30th Mercury is making a connection to Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter and Neptune have been connected most of the year by a square aspect, Wednesday and Thursday Mercury in Gemini will interact with both at the same time. These connections create a mutable “T” square; this pattern says through minor adjustments we create an awareness that we can use, that can be productive even though the lunar phase is about eliminating waste and distilling information. Mercury in Gemini is also in an extreme placement by longitude which gives it an out of this world feel and in addition to all these astrological phenomenon  happening, all 3 planets are in their ruling signs.
How could this play out? We may see a lot of people posturing with their words. Social media and the news is always full that kind of energy. These transits today may energies that even more.
My additional thoughts on this are; by listening to your higher self and your internal wisdom the corrections and fine tuning that you currently need in your life will be revealed to you.
The Moon is still in Aries both days and is motivational and inspires actions.

A soft aspect between Venus and Neptune today makes for easier transitions and changes that are currently going on.

Friday May 31st the Moon entered Taurus in the middle of night and will conjunct Uranus at 9:26 am ET. When the Moon connects with Uranus once a month it provides us with an opportunity to step into new territory and explore new ideas. Break out of old patterns of  beliefs so we can grow. During this lunar phase, now balsamic, we are encouraged to surrender into what is and prepare for the coming New Moon cycle in a couple days.

Today we also have a nice connection between Venus and Saturn that brings to our awareness a sense of stability, security, and dependability in relationships and in regards to the things we love and value.

Saturday June 1st is not much different then Friday. The Taurus Moon in the balsamic lunar phase is asking us to check in on what we value and love. Do you have too much stuff? Are you expecting too much from someone you love? Are you expecting too much from yourself? By the time the Moon reaches Venus in the afternoon we should have a clear view of what it is we want and desire for the remainder of the day.

Sunday June 2nd  the Gemini Moon all day is Balsamic and that means we should keep our thoughts and words to ourselves. One of the best ways to use this Gemini Moon in the current phase is spend time journaling and listening to others. 


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