Sun in Gemini Astrology Forecast May 20th – 26th 2019

Monday May 20th with the Moon in Sagittarius conjunct to Jupiter it is a great day to play, explore, have fun!

share knowledge with others and simply get out. What a change from the serious and intense Scorpio Full Moon many of us felt.
We also have the Sun and Mercury at the last degree of Taurus on Monday which could feel like we have picked up to many things along the way and now we are simply too tired to carry them any longer. That can happen when we have a few planets at a final degree of a sign as we do today; we feel overloaded in some way. I recommend we use the Sagittarius energy of the Moon and put the heavy things down so we can enjoy the day. We can work on the important items at another time, we are not totally forgetting what we are putting down; we are just giving ourselves a little break today.
Tuesday May 21 in the early morning the Moon enters Capricorn before sunrise in the USA so we will wake feeling this serious Moon energy. When the Moon is in this sign things tend to slow down so we can get a grip be more organized and practical. It is nothing like the fiery energy of Sagittarius. The Capricorn Moon is asking us to take something serious for the next few days and focus on upcoming work or goals. Where ever Capricorn is in your chart will tell you more details. For example if Capricorn starts in your 9th house then your focus will be about learning and expending your knowledge.
Only 3 minutes after the Moon enters Capricorn the Sun enters Gemini at 3:59 am ET. At 6:52 am ET Mercury also enters Gemini. So within 4 hours we have 3 planets changing signs and that is significant.
So how does this play out? The Gemini planets are fun, talkative and ready to socialize. When the Sun and Mercury are in Gemini they are super analytical and full of information to share. This is why we know this sign to be such a talker and has the illusion of not being able to make up their minds. This is because there is so much information out there we just want to share it all and can see both sides of a subject. Sometimes we overdo it though and people think we are a know it all or flakey. I have been accused of that in my life. (Yes I am a Gemini).
While all this happening, the planets changing signs, the Moon will make a hard aspect to the Sun and Mercury very early in the morning here in the US, if you live the UK or Europe you will feel this during your midday. The feeling we get from this connection is one of adjustment, we need to stay flexible during the few hours these planets are connected. Be serious when you need to be then allow the mutable energy of Gemini to take over.
At 9:07 am ET the Sun and Mercury will be exactly conjunct and begin their new 2 month cycle of communication and information gathering.
At 10:35 am ET the Moon in Capricorn will be opposite to Mars in Cancer. If you have any emotions that are building up I recommend to you move through them. Do what is best for your style of emoting. If we are holding back our feelings during a transit like this then it could show up suddenly or outside of us, meaning some else could blow up at you.
AT 11:43 the Moon will trine Uranus and that will shake off any leftover emotions that may be lingering so as to help us move into new emotional territory.
So wow what a day. Stay open, flexible and be honest with yourself.
Wednesday May 22nd Mars and Uranus are in a sextile. This is easy energy but it can also usher in unexpected events. If you have any planets close 3 degrees of Sagittarius then these two guys may give you a big wakeup call; which is why it is so important for us to always follow our instincts and take action when we feel it is right.
The Capricorn Moon will make her monthly conjunction to Saturn, the South Node and Pluto in the evening. The Moon connecting to these powerhouse planets will help us to take steps to feel more centered and in control.
If you are living in fear then this transit may amplify those feelings. Choose your focus wisely and take responsibility for how you feel and what you are sending out into the world. This monthly transit of the Moon over Saturn, South Node and Pluto is a good barometer for us every month so we can truly see how we are feeling by what we see around us.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday this we have the Moon in Aquarius; our emotional shift now is to be more analytical which works well with the Gemini energy that is also present. We have three days of serious thinking and doing, exploring new things, having some adventures if you can fit them in and gathering with your tribe.
Anything relating to group or business meetings is excellent use of this. Brain storming on how to help others or fundraise for a good cause.
Sunday May 26th the Moon moves into Pisces, this is a perfect day to chill out and relax, smooth over the rough edges of life and get lost in a book, the lake or have a few drinks. Monday is a holiday in the US for many people so there is no need to be getting ready for work tonight.


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