Astro Weekly Forcast June 10 – 16, 2019 Belief in Yourself and Adjust ourselves

Monday June 10th we begin the day with what we astrologers call a mutable Grandcross. If you drew out the chart for sunrise it would have a big square in the center of it. The blessing with this is we have some flexibility available to us throughout the day no matter what else is happening so always keep that in mind as I tell you more.
One of the main and stronger themes I am seeing this week on a whole is the need for adjustments and today’s Virgo Moon gets things rolling.
Whenever we have planets in Gemini and Capricorn, as we do now, there will be a connection between them called a quincunx. This aspect requires us to make adjustments, have faith, and believe in ourselves. Once that is established a form of transformation will happen between the two planets involved in this aspect.

So what will this quincunx feel like to you? It can be a struggle between the ego drive what you want to do today, and Saturn what is required of you and what you have to do. Since this aspect is about making adjustments that are long over-do change can happen. It may come through the feelings of restlessness while seeking some security.
With all the other mutable energy available to us I recommend you do your best to flow, allow, and keep your hands off the wheel as much as possible while simultaneously making sure you have covered all the details.
The Sun’s opposition to Jupiter today will amplify these energies even more but also give us some relief.
So the fun loving social energy of Gemini is dampened by Saturn and later in the week Pluto steps in too. I will tell you more about that in a minute. So Monday is a day of staying flexible while paying attention to the details.

Tuesday June 11th and Wednesday 12th with the Moon now in Libra over these two days our main goal is to accomplish equilibrium and harmony all the while the Sun is moving into position to make another quincunx and that will be with Pluto on Thursday the 13th. So accomplishing some form of peace and harmony Tuesday and Wednesday is our main goal.

Thursday June 13th the Moon has entered Scorpio and we can take a nice deep dive into how we are feeling. The Moon in this sign inspirers us to research and get to the bottom of things; how we are really feeling.
With the Sun now quincunx to Pluto we are being asked to make those adjustments in regards to being in control, taking back our power where it may be leaking, or letting go of something that we can no longer maintain.

Friday June 14th with Mars in Cancer trine to Neptune early in the morning our dreams may be wild or enlightening, pay close attention and write down what you think has meaning before you forget. Dreams like we may have Thursday night can easily open us up to important messages. Trust what you feel and pay attention to your dreams. Also trust your intuition and feelings.
Today Mars is also opposite to Saturn we may feel the need to express how we feel or be told to keep things to ourselves. These two malefic planets are not always cooperative so we could feel the pull of that.

Saturday and Sunday June 15 & 16 the Moon is in Sagittarius all weekend. Let’s lighten up now, time to play and explore and learn our lessons. We also have Jupiter and Neptune in a square again which encourages creativity and a feeling of flow.

So the first 5 days of the week is pretty intense and asking for a lot of adjustment the weekend can be carefree and fun if we allow ourselves some time to play.


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