Astrology Forecast June 24th – 30th 2019 New Sense of Awareness

Preparing for the Eclipses
Old patterns are surfacing and have been for a while now.
Subconscious fears are rising including expressing old habits of survival.
Face your fears, let them go and replace them with security in yourself, a new sense of self awareness.
Monday June 24th we start the week with Venus in social Gemini squaring off to Neptune. This is not so bad in my eyes because I think mutable squares are wonderful. They create just enough dynamic/stress so we will pay attention and make an adjustment were it is needed. This square between Venus and Neptune tells us to talk more, interact, and ask more questions so we have a clearer understanding of whatever is going on for you at this time.
With the Moon in Pisces today and making easy aspects to Mercury and Mars in Cancer, your instincts and following your emotional guidance is recommended.

Tuesday June 25th the Moon now in Aries and squaring the Sun, this puts us in the 4th quarter lunar phase heading to the balsamic. That means if there are things in your life that you need to eliminate now is the time to do it.

Wednesday June 26th the Aries Moon is still encouraging us to clear things throughout the day as he makes hard aspects to the Cancer and Capricorn planets out there. Today is definitely a day were we can take action. We also have Mercury entering Leo but not till 8:19 pm ET. Mercury is already slowing down to retrograde soon and we should be feeling like we want to slow down too but the energy of Leo is fiery, creative and excited, if we try to hold it back too much we could feel frustrated. So I recommend we should still find time to be creative and expressive. This can happen through speaking, writing, art, music, and drawing but in all honesty it doesn’t matter what medium you use. However you like to express your creativity take it slow and really enjoy it.

Thursday June 27th the Moon and Mars are squaring in the early morning which means we might not be able to sleep well because we can’t stop thinking. This aspect can feel very emotional and energizing at the same time.
The Moon will however enter Taurus at 9:32 am and that is very grounding and a shift in energy. Today the Moon will also square Mercury so speaking up or writing out what needs to be said might take extra effort thanks to both planets being in fixed signs. The Sun is active today too encouraging us to tap into how we feel and take steps toward whatever that is.
The evening has the Moon and Uranus conjunct in their monthly dance which can be resourceful, exciting and encouraging new ideas for a later date, so write things down now if you are feeling inspired. We will act on them later when timing is better for that.

Thursday and Friday June 28th and part of Saturday the 29th the Taurus Moon is lovely and grounding, we are all encouraged to hold on to things or evaluate and see what we can let go of.

Saturday evening and into Sunday the 30th the Gemini Moon in the balsamic phase is a wonderful time to go deep. Get out your private journal and write out what you can’t say. You may share it later or simply burn the pages. The deep journey within is what this lunar period is about especially right before an eclipse which is only a few days away now.


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