In between Eclipses? July 8 -14th, 2019 Mercury Retrograde !!

All right let’s get started for the week in-between the two eclipses. On Monday July 8th the Moon is in Libra for the next 2 days which is fantastic for keeping us in a more balanced emotional state, perfect for staying aware of the equilibrium and harmony in our lives.
The main aspect I want to talk about for Monday July 8th is the retrograde of Mercury in Leo conjunct Mars in Leo. These two together can do a lot of creating but when these two energies are not expressed properly, with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement, then we get frustration and there can be an explosion of emotions. So I recommend as we’re coming up to Monday that we make sure and pay attention to how we’re expressing ourselves through our actions and what we’re passionate about and how we go for what we love.

A little side note about Mercury, currently he is actually stationary and in my opinion these are the most frustrating periods of the retrograde. This is when we really feel what most people think the retrograde is. So from July 5th to the 11th take it easy and don’t push too hard.

Moving on to Tuesday July 9th the main theme for the day is the Sun in Cancer opposite to Saturn in Capricorn. How I see this is an opportunity to ground what you’re doing, if you’ve been feeling overly emotional with the eclipse in Cancer and with Mars and Mercury in Leo. Today’s opportunity with the sun in opposition to Saturn is to really see what your truth is. Are you afraid of something if so then address it, go within and ask yourself if it’s true or not? If it’s true and you can do something about it do it and the fear disappears, if it’s not true then release it. Oppositions are always about bringing awareness to a certain point in our life. Take advantage of that as the Moon is waxing towards the next eclipse.
Wednesday the 10th and Thursday the 11th we have the moon in the sign of Scorpio; this is another opportunity for us to go deeper and really dig in emotionally. Wednesday the moon will Square the Leo planets and be in opposition to Uranus so it may be an incredibly stressful day if you are not in alignment. These are all fixed signs and that means many things have to build to a head before they are released. This is especially true if you keep sweeping problems under the rug. So do what you need to, don’t push your deeper issues aside at this time or they will come out when you least expect it.
On to Thursday’s main aspect which is Mars squaring Uranus this happens once a year and this is dynamic to say the least.
We must use this energy wisely or things will pop. Be creative and cautious in regards to what you love, what you value and how you may be pushing the limits of that right now. Whenever Uranus is activated by another planet it is showing us the very edge of our own creation. Showing us where we need to go to grow because we are most likely stuck. The square aspect from Mars creates enough stress and tension to get our attention, so pay attention and make the necessary changes. It is very important though that we take action but try and do it with purpose because sudden action can cause accidents. The details of this will be different for everybody depending on where these two planets are moving through your own personal chart.

We do have a little help today though and that is the Scorpio Moon making a trine aspect to Neptune in Pisces. Think of this as flowing water; if you’re feeling edgy with the Mars Uranus Square find a way to get into your own space of flow. Use meditation, music, dance, yoga or a walk at the beach and that will help smooth over any of the rough edges that the day may create.

On Friday July 12th and Saturday July 13th the Sagittarius moon is encouraging us to play, to learn and to be expressive. Remember we are still in between eclipses and this energy is building to the full moon eclipse in just a few days.
I can’t stress enough how important exploring your world and to get out there and play is during these few days. It seems so simple and it is.
Sunday July 14th the major aspect today is the Sun in Cancer in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. This is an important day for us if we’re feeling challenged. If this is happening in your world it’s time to step up and be the powerful individual that you know you are.
Others may need to let go of being in control all the time and release what no longer is need.
Later this evening the moon enters the sign of Capricorn which is very earthy and very grounding and that is where the full moon lunar eclipse will happen on Tuesday evening and I’ll talk to you about that in the next forecast.
Love You!
Ronnita,                                                                                                                                          Ecliptic Spiritualist


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