August 5th – August 11th Weekly Astrology Forecast

Monday August 5th the waxing Moon in Libra is making a lot of easy aspects today that reminds us to seek the peaceful road the more balanced road the more harmonious road while taking initiative along the way. The peaceful bits come from the sign of Libra; the part about taking action is due to all the planets in cardinal signs that are activated by this Moon in Libra. So if you see you need to step forward and do something today do not hesitate and do not procrastinate, today is a good day to make progress.
Tuesday August 6th the Moon enters Scorpio midday and for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening it’s making an applying aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This represents deep emotion and the need to research and discover what’s under the surface and with Uranus involved we may look under one too many stones exposing something we may not want to see or discovering something deep but very healing.
Uranus is well known for sudden surprises and unexpected moments of enlightenment that may free us from our bonds and old beliefs.
Wednesday August 7th the Sun in Leo makes a really easy aspect to Jupiter in Sagittarius. This aspect and the aspect Venus makes tomorrow are the nicest and easiest aspects we have had in a while. Sun trine Jupiter is exciting and creative, opening up opportunities to feel happy and simply play like a child by exploring things you don’t typically get involved in. If an opportunity to learn something new shows up you should do it. The possibilities to learn and enjoy life are endless today as long as we do over analyze and question everything we are doing.
Also on Wednesday the 7th and most of Thursday the 8th with the Moon in the sign of Scorpio we have many opportunities to go deeper in our connections with those around us; if we choose. And take personal time to go deeper into whom we are. Now there are always many ways a planet can work things out and with this Scorpio Moon some people can be very manipulative to get their own way. We just never know exactly how it will play out. There are always positive and negative ways to use the planets energies.
Also on Thursday the 8th it is Venus’s turn to aspect Jupiter. It is so beautiful when these two are together; they make everything so easy and comfortable. I hope you are in a good place to take advantage of the good things in your life.
Friday August 9th and Saturday August 10th the moon in Sagittarius always feels like fun, fun through learning and exploring life. I know I’m repeating myself but I have to go because there’s so much of that energy present I can’t help it. We also have Jupiter in Sagittarius stationing on Sunday the 11th so we have to celebrate and play.

Sunday August 11th besides Jupiter going direct, we also have Uranus going retrograde so Sunday we may not feel much movement. Uranus will be retrograde till Jan 2020 so we will have ample opportunities to assimilate the major changes you have been going through since March 2019.


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