New Moon in Virgo Astrology Forecast August 26 – September 1, 2019 Super Moon

Evaluating what is important and organizing what we are keeping and letting go.

Monday August 26th at 11:38 am Venus in Virgo makes an easy aspect with Uranus in Taurus. We are able to define what we love and value so we can then let go of what is not working, what has become too routine. This time of the month encourages us to do a lot of self-reflection so we can grow later on. I spark of Uranus wants us to grow and change where we have become stale and stuck.

Uranus is infusing all the planets that connect to it this week with a renewed sense of freedom, expansion, and independence.

Wednesday August 28th is our next connection with Uranus it is also a trine but this time from Mars. When Mars and Uranus connect we feel energized and like we must take action. This is a good thing so don’t sit still. We have a lot of drive to accomplish whatever is important to you and our energy levels are high. So if you are feeling this energy take action where you see it is needed for you. If you just sit there and do nothing this energy will feel like anxiety and we all know that is no easy thing to handle. Even if you don’t have any clue what you should be doing at the very least get outside and move, walk, garden, hike, anything to give the energy a path to move.

Thursday August 29th Mercury enters the pack of Virgo and we now have four planets in that sign and the New Moon to come. We are currently on Virgo detail. You might be wondering why you want to do house work, start a diet or new exercise routine. Maybe you are a teacher and are back at school trying to find your routine for this year. The kids may not be so happy about this but it is that time of year. This huge bundle of Virgo is why we are all feeling more focused. Mercury is at home in this sign and he is ready to sort out any detail you need help with, so get going.

The Sun makes its connection to Uranus late this evening as well adding to the already lively and intense feelings that we have encouraging us to take action somewhere in our lives. There is a lot of adjusting and sorting going on at this point time.

Friday the 30th we have the New Moon in Virgo at six degrees. It is a super moon meaning this new moon is very close to the earth so it will have extra strength. Not like an eclipse but a little extra push. This New Moon is also trine Uranus so we have innovative and creative powers available to us as well.

And now that we are in the new moon phase as of 6:37 a.m. East coast time we can set goals based on Virgos energies which I have already gone over in detail.

We are focusing on the details of what’s important to us at this point in time. We are rearranging and putting things in order so we can feel more organized and grounded. Analyzing what we want in our lives and what we don’t want in our lives, Uranus has been helpful in this regard already.

Over the weekend August 31st and September 1st continue to set goals and intentions based on what you have already been working on. Sunday Mercury will make its connection to Uranus so this will help us in writing and communicating and really clarifying what it is we want in our lives.

A trine aspect between Venus and Saturn on Sunday is very helpful in stabilizing the things you have been working on all week and encouraging commitment in young or new partnerships.

On a final note if you have anything in the vicinity of six degrees of Capricorn then all of the aspects I have been talking about in this report will also activate that Capricorn planet. If you’re a practicing astrologer than look and see where that is in your chart and what planet is activated by these transits. And if you need help with that that’s what I’m here for as well, interpret what these things mean for you personally.


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