Weekly Astrology September 18 – 22 Saturn Stations Moves Direct

Wednesday the 18th contains the big news of the week and that is Saturn turns direct after being retrograde since April 30th. Finally we can stop picking everything apart and slowly begin to rebuild from what is left. With the South Lunar Node traveling with Saturn over the summer as well we certainly have had our share of looking back, looking at what we have built in our lives and re-evaluating. With this retrograde and now the stationing of Saturn we are all feeling the pressure in regards to our security, the structures we have built over time and the foundation in our lives.
What does this look like to you, how are you feeling about what you know is solid in your life? There’s been a lot of pressure to question that since Saturn went retrograde April 30th.

Ever since mid-August and all the way into mid-October Saturn has barely moved two degrees. (This is 10 1/2 weeks of intense pressure). This feels like more and more weight is put on our shoulders and if we’re not well adjusted in our current life situation this can crush a person and I know many people who feel rather defeated right now. This feels really heavy even for the best of us and the results may feel like constant exhaustion.

But the good news is in this time you have also had the opportunity to really see what is solid in your life and what is not. Maybe not in every area of life but certainly the area/s you think are most important.

Many people will be focusing in on career and reputation since these things are ruled by Saturn in Capricorn. But each person is unique so we are not limited just to our career and reputation. Your focus may be about the security of your family or your retirement; the details will depend on where transiting Saturn is for you in your natal chart.

What have you been questioning or exploring or noticing in regards to your security and structure and foundation?

I know I’m not usually heavy like this I’m also in the middle of my Saturn return so I get it and I’m sure you do too. This phrase came to me thought a reading I had the other day with client.  I honor other’s success and my own. This phrase is perfect to say or write down regularly if you are feeling the pressure of this Saturn energy.

Thursday the 19th the main focus we have is Mars in Virgo making a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, this is very earthy and grounded energy which helps us to take action where we see it is needed. This is just what we need during the week that Saturn turns direct.

The other main event for this week is Saturday September 21st and it’s the final Square between Jupiter and Neptune. They’ve been connecting off and on throughout the year and this is the final square for a few years to come. All year it has been encouraging us to be disciplined (the square aspect) but also to trust our intuition (Neptune) and to step into our truth (Jupiter) in the more authentic way.

I hope you can see where you have stepped up to be more authentically you and where you have let go of out dated beliefs and started building on that new foundation you are currently creating.


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