Astrological forecast October 21st – 27th including the New Moon in Scorpio

Monday October 21st in the middle of the day the moon enters the sign of Leo and will remain in that sign into Wednesday. When the Moon is in Leo passion can rise within us we may be inspired to be creative and expressive in our emotions and through art.

On Monday we also have Venus in the sign of Scorpio connecting to Neptune in the sign of Pisces this as well is a very creative and artistic connection between two planets. So, we have an opportunity Monday Tuesday and into Wednesday to express our creativity and to show the world what we’re passionate about.

Another area of life this can be activate is an important personal relationship. If that is something you are also focusing on, then let it be known the stars are in alignment for relationships. We may take a current relationship to a new level; we may need to spend time going deeper into a concern in our relationship. The details are limitless, but the general energy is around relating well with others.

As the sun finishes up his travels through Libra Monday, Tuesday and part of Wednesday it heightens our awareness around feeling balanced and harmonious.

Wednesday the Sun enters Scorpio 1:20 pm ET and the Moon in her waning phase enters Virgo a few hours later. Why is this a big deal? Whenever I see these two signs active, I can tell it will be an important period in time (two days) when health concerns are active. There could be something in the news about a health issue for the public at large or it can be personal for you. Either way if this sparks your interest take the measures you know that are important to you and your family over the next few days to stay healthy.

Thursday is a repeat of Wednesday with the Moon moving through Virgo all day. But there is always more, another way we can use this monthly energy is to recognize old or bad habits so you can figure out a way to change these into something healthier, better or to release them all together. The Virgo Moon is always happy to show us all the details even the ones we are not interested in seeing. 😉

Friday October 25th late in the day at 4:20 pm ET until Sunday October 27th 4:29 pm ET the Moon will be in Libra so we get a last minute opportunity to tie up any lose ends regarding the relationship issues or situations you were working on earlier in the week when the Sun was finishing up in Libra.

Saturday and into Sunday we also have one of the tougher aspects between two planets. This is the square between Mars and Saturn. Both planets are considered malefic; meaning they can lean more on the troublesome side of things then the positive side. Since I am an optimist, I am going to tell you how to use this tougher connection in the most positive way.

We can avoid difficult energies with these two planets as long as we are using them properly. With Mars in Libra make sure what you want your partner also wants, slow down and take the time to recognize that, this is Mars in Libra. The other side of this aspect is Saturn in Capricorn that’s his ruling sign so he’s happy there. What we’ve been needing to do with this Saturn for ages now is to step up, work hard where it’s needed, take responsibility for your own actions and be a grown up. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, but it is what it is. So, if you’ve been working hard, ethically, with integrity, keeping other people’s needs in mind as well as yours then this square aspect between Mars and Saturn I will not be difficult. It may even surprise you with a reward for a job well done.

If you see others who have constantly tried to cheat the system, take too many shortcuts, be incredibly selfish, step on other people’s toes and cheat others then an aspect like this will feel incredibly difficult for them.

Now with all that being said we still have the New Moon to talk about. It is at 11:39 pm ET at 4 degrees of Scorpio and directly opposite Uranus.

Let’s address the New Moon first; when we have New Moons it’s important that we set intentions and goals around self-mastery, financial partnerships, shared resources, soul mates, sex, owed taxes, loans or credit debt, facing change or transformation.

So, what does all this mean? Sit down and spend some quiet time late Sunday night, if you have to wait till the next day do it the next day. Think about what’s changing for you now in one or more of these categories just listed and then set those goals for yourself. Transformation can also mean transcending current situations, I easily find myself doing the things that help me to transform fill in the blank in my life.

I am open and allow a deep personal relationship to enter my life.

I easily find a way to pay off my debt.

Scorpio has a lot of energy relating to power and control and so with that being said we may need to take our power back in some way so, over the next couple of days you may set a goal about discovering self-mastery and feeling more in control.

Now to mix this up a little bit more we do have this New Moon in opposition to Uranus. He always wants to stir things up, he does this because we get stuck in our ruts and there’s no growth when we’re stuck in our ruts. Uranus is known as the Great Awakener the lover of freedom and independence. Uranus is also everything that is brand new and cutting-edge. So, when we have a New Moon in opposition to the Great Awakener I can guarantee if you allow and stay open to any possibilities you will be able to step into new territory in whatever category is highlighted in your life right now in regards to Scorpio.

What a powerful week.


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