" I can Transform You!! New Moon in Scorpio 2019 Set Our MIGHTY Intentions Forward.

Scorpio New Moon October 27,2019, My thoughts its Powerful  promises a complete and sudden turn around energy over this time will be very intense. New beginnings are available the seeds you now plant has potential to grow over the next six months April 2020...
Scorpio is not here to play favorites with our lives, plunges deep every area- Personal Relationships, Career or within ourselves. My advice for us all? Go with the flow because it is likely some relationships will end, we may experience personal transformation go ahead and throw out the old start with a clean slate.
The traditional Ruler of Scorpio, mars is in a sign he feels frustrated in Libra, and square to the modern ruler of Scorpio Pluto who sits next to Stern Saturn in Capricorn.. What does that mean for us?
Mars in Libra is often putting our own needs aside for others and becoming resentful of them even though weave he ones sacrificing and the squares to Pluto and Saturn can reflect  a deep, inner frustration both with ourselves and with others that may erupt over this New Moon.
3 Areas of intentions to set with the Deep New Moon.
1.  Make room for Change
2.Work through your limitations.
3. Make your needs known
We always burn write out our Intentions on Joss Paper since we setting goals, seeds, manifestations
Burn make sure you roll the paper away from you.( see the video we describe how to and we are adding a leaf to keep for the season in our journals, grim ores, or book of shadows )
Here is the Mantra to say after the Burning of your intentions
" Under  the Scorpio New Moon I honor the cycles of death and rebirth. I let whatever needs to go. I do not clench with fear, I do not allow my heart to hold,  I surrender, I accept and I move through what is my grace, guide me... may fortune favor me and no matter what struggles I face may I rise ..
Now we are going to  smudge our Aura first then your space ..( Note light your smudge sticks with the Scorpio colored candle the (option: black/Silvery grey/dark Red continue to allow your candle to burn)
Recite the following:
" I use this smoke/spray to cleanse and free myself of any burdens blocks or wounds that are holding me back May the Universe work in synergy to help life and support me on my journey"
I ask for release, I ask to receive in grace all that comes my way.I ask to be protected through the cycles of transformation so I may be reborn with ease Thank You, Thank You , Thank You
Be sure there is a window/door open to let the bad vibes escape!
"I cleanse the space around me, I cleanse and purified this room. The energy of this space is healed, the energy of this space is of light and love fill this home. Only light and love dwell here. All that is dense , heavy and untrue is now gone, I am renewed. This space is renewed Thank You , Thank You Thank You.......
Go do what will enhance your life during this New Moon
Ecliptic Spiritualist


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