November 18 – 24th Mars in Scorpio – Mercury Direct

Monday the 18th is a fiery day with the Moon in Leo, figuring out how to be flexible and creative at the same time maybe a little stressful though because of the nature of this fixed sign and the aspects that the Moon is making today. On the other hand, we also have Mars at the final degree of Sagittarius which is very helpful because we’re feeling incredibly energized to create and to speak up and to move. So even though the Moon in Leo is making difficult aspects all day and creating a fair amount of tension and stress for some people our focus can still be energized in a positive way by Mars in Sagittarius. I will choose to focus on that very enlightening energy and if something feels stuck, I will simply let it be for now and come back to it later when things feel better.

Tuesday November 19th Mars enters Scorpio early in the morning, he will remain in this sign for the next 7 weeks. During that time Mars is intent on helping us to see what is under the surface and as time goes on, we will need to look at what Mercury brought to the surface during his extended time in Scorpio. Scorpio will be active in everyone’s chart from October 9th when Venus entered until January 4th 2020 when Mars finally leaves Scorpio. That is a long time for Scorpio to be active by just the inner planets. That means a lot of what is happening around us can feel personal. Take responsibility where you need to but don’t overdo it.

Tuesday may feel weird, like something is changing but we can’t put our finger on it, and this would be true. We have the new energy of Mars in his co-rulership Scorpio, but we also have Mercury in Scorpio stationary today as well as the Moon entering Virgo. Time for great focus or to let go of the details so you can move forward.

Wednesday November 20th the big news is Mercury is officially direct but doesn’t move at all till tomorrow so I will say he is stationary. These are the days that I feel the retrograde the strongest. He stations at the 11th degree of Scorpio so again I will send you back to your own chart to see if you have planets or points near the 11th degree. If yes you will notice today’s station and may feel like not much is moving and that is ok. This is why you read such things, so you know don’t push anything today if there isn’t already movement.

Thursday November 21st is a day full of details thanks to the Moon moving through Virgo, this can be helpful in staying grounded if that is needed in your life.

The Sun is also at the final degrees of Scorpio so any last secrets that the Sun can bring to light he will today and tomorrow, and the Moon will pick it apart for every minute detail.

Friday November 22nd The Sun enters Sagittarius at 9:59 am EST. While we still have a lot happening in Scorpio and we will cover that as it comes along, with the Sun is Sagittarius we will be open to sharing our thoughts, opinions, beliefs and worldviews. We need to shake off the seriousness of some of the Scorpio energy and find our freedom and independence. With the Moon currently in Libra things can feel a little sweeter and harmonious.

Saturday November 23rd is much of the same, but we do have a beautiful transit coming up Sunday that we are feeling already so read on.

Sunday November 24th the Moon in Scorpio in her balsamic lunar phase means we are not done with Scorpio yet and we need to dig deeper, there is more to uncover and address. The powers that be are still digging up secrets and uncovering what is hidden. The transit the Moon makes today to Mars, Uranus and Mercury will dig up more that we need to face, talk about and shift out of.

Mars and Uranus are also opposite today and that can mean spontaneous awareness or healing of some kind. The location in the sky where Mars is today during this opposition is the same place we had the New Moon in Scorpio on October 27th. So once again good thing you keep a journal because you may want to look back to then to see what was happening for you that will be activated today by Mars. I know this feels tiresome and it can be for some, but if you have done the work before now and transformed, you will not be impacted by this. If you still have not done your emotional/physiological work, the Moon today will push your buttons.

Now the good news, I know I waited till the end for this one. We have Venus in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius at 28 degrees which is right at the Galactic Center. Now if you don’t know what the Galactic Center is it’s the perceived center of our Milky way galaxy. I have read there is energy that radiates through that and comes to us here on the planet. This energy that’s available to us from the galactic center is one of healing the subconscious mind urging us to release emotional wounds and traumas and also to engage in new rolls on the planet.

I’ve read that the galactic center acts as a transmitter of divine consciousness, how beautiful is that? Now if that resonates with you take some time Sunday morning and meditate on it.

Also, since this is Sagittarius the arrow of the Centaur points to beyond what we know and at the same time symbolically it represents what we have always known in the depths of our consciousness which Scorpio has been hard at work trying to get us to look at. During this transit we could have a period of rapid change an accelerated development thanks to these two benefic planets coming together at this point. Wow what a week. On this Sunday is my Solar Return Day Birthday Day.. I will bask in this system.
Happy Galactic Center


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