Jupiter in Capricorn Astrology December 2nd – 8th

The big news of the day on Monday and actually the big news of the whole week is Jupiter entering the sign of Capricorn.
Monday December 2nd at 1:20 PM ET Jupiter makes this shift. He has not been in this sign since December 2007 and it is not a comfortable fit at first, Jupiter in Capricorn is considered in his Fall. That means not a great fit, but we will get used to it eventually.
Over the last 13 months Jupiter has been in his own sign of Sagittarius and he has been encouraging growth and expansion, exploration and seeking the truth, but he also has a side of him that is pompous, opinionated, scattered, deluded by blind faith. We have seen the truth come out in the world around us in many ways over the last year and it has not been all due to Jupiter, but he has certainly put his spin on things.
Take a moment right now and look back over this last year. Can you see where you have grown, what beliefs you have outgrown? This is the expansive nature of Jupiter in his ruling sign, to show us the truth as we can see it.
Now that Jupiter is moving into Capricorn, we need to get used to something very different. Jupiter in Capricorn is like putting on your favorite jeans after a year of eating anything you want while wearing stretch pants. There is good chance your jeans will be too tight for a while.
It is time to restrict some behavior, cut back on your favorite nighttime snack. Find a way to move more often every day.  With Jupiter in Capricorn we need more structure in our lives, more organization and discipline.
This area of the zodiac (where Capricorn is) in your chart has been active for a long time now thanks to Pluto and Saturn. A lot of structures in our lives have been breaking down over the last few years so we can rebuild from a more honest place of who we are now. This Saturn Pluto conjunction will peak in January and I will cover that more as we move closer, but by another system some astrologers use called declination they were peaked all of October and November so the stress of these planets have been felt strongly whether they are conjunct by definition or not. Look at your life right now and see what you are still working on in regard to your core beliefs, does life feel structured enough for you, is your career where you want it to be? Are you feeling successful in your world? Over the coming months as Jupiter moves through Capricorn it is my belief that we should make needed changes from a place of accomplishment and authority not from a place of fear, we can’t live life in this way anymore. Jupiter in Capricorn is not as expansive as it was in Sagittarius, but it will be helpful if we are honest with ourselves.
Between now and April 4, 2020 as Jupiter is moving through the area of Capricorn where Pluto and Saturn have been he will act like an editor showing you your mistakes but also offering honest guidance to how you can do better and create what you need to feel secure in your world in an efficient way. The area of your chart where Capricorn is will give you more details about this.
The other item I want to focus on this week, instead of the day to day is the location of Mars in the zodiac. Tuesday December 3rd Venus and Mars are in an easy aspect with each other. This brings in the balance between the feminine and masculine energies.
But by the time we get to Friday December 6th Mars will be at the location in the zodiac that Mercury stationed at on November 20th. That Mercury retrograde would most likely have brought up a lot of deep internalized thoughts, feelings and emotions. A period for deep research and deep understanding of who we are with opportunities for healing and transformation in regard to all of the things that Mercury retrograde in Scorpio may have brought to the surface.
Now with Mars moving through this area as of Friday December 6 through January 4, 2020 we will feel like we need to take action if we have not already.
I know I can hear you asking, take action in what? Once again, the details of this will depend on what you went through while Mercury was retrograde in Scorpio and the house that happened in. Or if you don’t know anything about the houses simply examine what gave you the most trouble, what came up you had to deal with or strong emotions around something that needs to be forgiven or healed during October 31 – November 20 when Mercury was retrograde.  This may feel a bit intense, but it won’t kill you either, it will help us to heal and feel stronger.


  1. Goddess Ronnita, Thank you so much for this information. I am greatly appreciative of you and your divine knowledge. Noth Node is blessed to know you. I am sending lots of love, joy, peace, and prosperity to you and your loved ones. Pleasant dreams!


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