The End and the Beginning December 30, 2019 – January 5, 2020 In-Between the Eclipses

We are in between times now; the Eclipse on December 25/26 was a New Moon in Capricorn and it is giving us huge opportunities to create while using this week’s transits, lunar signs and planetary sign changes. We can begin by setting in some strong foundational pieces that will take time to manifest but are well worth our efforts right now.
Between eclipses is always a hot pocket time period which is really important for us to do our best to stay in a higher vibration and in good alignment with who we are. Focusing in on what we want, not the lack of it or how bad things may have felt in 2019. I know we all have our stories of the year but being in a higher place and doing our best to stay focused on the things we are grateful for; this is where the magic happens.
Alright let’s begin with Monday December 30th. The Moon enters Pisces at 10:41 am EST and will remain in this sign through January 1, 2020 at 11:00 PM EST. We have 3 full days of the waxing Moon in Pisces. While we also have Mars finishing up his time in Scorpio and Mercury just in Capricorn.
The first 3 days of this week we have the waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces; now this may not feel overly motivating when it comes to work, structure, organizing and being responsible. This is because the Pisces energy is asking us to flow, following the path of least resistance and feel our way through these days. Depending on what you are required to do especially if you have work to do this can be helpful or not. It is helpful if you can be more intuitive in your work and as I mentioned go with the flow more. This Pisces energy presents us with opportunities for us to find our alignment with our higher self no matter what your duties happen to be right now. If you are working hard and pushing against timelines and other such things, then the watery Pisces energy may make things harder to get accomplished. We can do our work just be sure and feel your way through your duties. If something is truly not working do not continue doing that thing.
Now what I just wrote might feel weird when you read what is next, we have some differing energies present so let me explain.
As of Saturday December 28, at 11:55 PM EST Mercury entered Capricorn. With Mercury in this sign we want to be organized, focused, clear in our communications and well respected. That certainly doesn’t sound all flowing like I just wrote about with the Pisces Moon does it? And it isn’t but what we have with both of these energies are opportunities to follow the flow and build from that. We can use both at the same time after all.
Monday December 30th Mercury will make an easy aspect to Uranus livening the day with fresh new ideas. Make sure and give yourself some mediation time or relaxing opportunities for these new inspirations to flow in. If we are too busy always doing, then the quite time we need for things to flow never happens.
New Year’s Eve the Moon in Pisces will conjunct Neptune in Pisces, this is the ultimate transit for drinking too much or escaping into the dream world. If you want you can also use it for dream work, deep meditation, astral travel or anything you like to separate yourself from reality for a little while.
Wednesday January 1st is more of the same, a day that can be lost to relaxing, sleeping and daydreaming. Sounds like a nice day off. Also on January 1st Mercury moved over the Eclipse point of December 25/26 so if we are in the flow and able to listen to our higher selves then we should be receiving some amazing insight on how to anchor in our New Moon goals.
On Thursday January 2nd Mercury in Capricorn will conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn, this happens only once every 12 years in this sign so it is important to recognize it. Is there something important to you that requires more information, research or communication around? Is there something else you want to learn to add to your resume?
We also have Mars in the final degrees of Scorpio Monday December 30 through Friday January 3rd when it enters Sagittarius at 4:37 AM EST. So here is even more insight about the overall energy of this In-Between time. Mars at the final degrees of Scorpio is the researcher, he wants us to go to deeper, like really deep, into the underworld if you can. Deep meditations, dream journeying and Shamanic travel all process of Mars in Scorpio. Deep wounds can surface for your attention and final release.
We have a lot of different energies to work with this week and I hope you take some time to sort things out were you feel it is needed. The weekend can have a more grounded feel thanks to the waxing Moon in Taurus.
Continue to set goals if you like as we are halfway to the next Eclipse. Everything right now is either about setting goals or about picking the seeds that you want to planet later. Like having a seed catalogue in front of you, planning what you want to planet in the Spring.
I know we also have Saturn and Pluto about to conjunct and I have talked about that many times in prior forecasts, you can go back and read those. Over all and not make to light of this because it is heavy energy, Saturn and Pluto have been working together for a very long time now and when they peek January 12th we may still feel their presences because the changes they are creating have a very long reach and deep impact on the whole.
*My focus of the forecasts here always is about you and how you can use the astrology in your life every day. Astrology is like the weather forecast, just because you know it is going to rain doesn’t mean you have to bring your umbrella. It’s your choice how you want to respond to the weather/energies.


  1. Thank you for taking the time to share this!! I recently was told Jupiter plays a huge part in my transition period in the Astros, so I will definitely do some reflecting and inner work and get my seed catalog ready! This is the first time I'm reading your blog. Well written!! Peace and light 😘

  2. This is very enlightening! I so appreciate you. Peace, and Blessings to you and your loved ones.


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