Full Moon Lunar Eclipse January 10, 2020 – Saturn Pluto conjunction January 12, 2020

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse January 10, 2020 @ 2:21 pm EST
Saturn Pluto conjunction January 12, 2020
Weekly Astrology January 6 – 12
As I sit here staring at my keyboard and the Astrology charts for this week I ask myself, where do I start? For months now us Astrologers and many others have been focused on the events at the end of this week. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on January 10th and the big conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12th.
Let’s get started. We begin the week with the Moon in the sign of Taurus a wonderfully grounded placement for her. This encourages us to get back to the other things we love and value that are not holiday related. Early in the morning the Moon will make an easy connection to Saturn and Pluto. I love this transit between the Moon and Saturn/Pluto because it gives us a chance, if we can pay attention, to see what we truly value. If you do meditation or even if you don’t, I recommend that we all do some form of mediation or prayer first thing in the morning. Set your intentions, visualize, use gratitude and be thankful for all the big and little things in your life.
This may seem too simple but with the Astrology that is happening today and all week simple is powerful because we are moving toward an eclipse in a few days.
The Moon will be waxing in Gemini Monday evening and through all of Tuesday and Wednesday January 8th and 9th. When the Moon is in Gemini pay attention to what you are thinking, saying and doing. Sharing information, communicating, writing how you feel out on paper are all good ways we can use the current Astrological energies. As we maneuver through this week stay aware of all your thoughts and actions. Do your best to stay conscious, make little adjustments as needed and all will be well.
The Moon will enter the sign of Cancer on Thursday January 9th at 3:43 am EST. Now we will really start to feel the intensity and deep emotion that the Moon in Cancer embodies. Opening up even more to the needs of your family and your own needs. Throughout the day as the Moon connects to other planets, we are inspired to do something new and different, approach a regular situation from a different perspective, listen to others with a more open heart you will be amazed at what you hear. This in turn can give us those moments of clarity when we see something we have been looking at for a long time from a new perspective. This feels like a release as well which is exactly what we have been doing for months now (even years on some levels) as Saturn and Pluto have been in this dance with each other.
January 10th at 2:21 pm EST is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 20 degrees of Cancer.  We also have Mercury conjunct the Sun and the Moon will be opposite to the Sun (Full Moon) and Saturn Pluto today.
Everything is so connected right now there is no need to separate or delineate each individual aspect. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will bring awareness to an important piece of your life. It should be a powerful change that you want to make and what is important for you and your family.
This Full Moon Eclipse is also connected to a New Moon Eclipse we had 18 months ago on July 13, 2018. I want you to look back and see what was going on for you at that period. The reason for this is because this Full Moon on January 10th is at the very same degree as the New Moon we had July 13, 2018. That’s part of that 3-year lunar family I’ve talked about in the past. You may also look to April 12, 2019 that’s when we had the first quarter moon also near the same degree as this eclipse. Something has been building from July 2018 to now. History tells us what we can expect which is why it is good to look back and see what was happening so you have a clue as to what will be a similar theme or additional information we missed the last two times there was a Lunar event at these numbers.
Now don’t panic if you discover something not so great happened back then; that is the case for me and there is nothing to panic about. Whatever it was please look at the lesson of that time in the summer of 2018 and bring that to the present moment. What did you learn then that you are still learning about now?
We are being made aware January 10th and these other dates I’ve just posted what’s important for you, your family, for your home, hometown, state and country. How can you now support yourself and family emotionally and through your career?
By the time we get to Sunday January 12 and the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto we have Mercury connecting to Saturn and Pluto before they connect to each other. This tells me that if we take Sunday morning and find some quiet time through Mercury the Messenger, we should be able to receive some insight regarding our current life situations and circumstances. All of which is related to Capricorn, which is conquering fear, building our future, taking responsibility for now, letting go of what’s not working so we’re able to build from a much more secure place of being and understanding.
We are in such a profound period right now in history and while as astrologers we love to focus on what’s happening right now there is always so much that is going on in the long game too. There is always movement one way or another and it is important to grow with the times and leave some of the old ways behind us.
So even if you are not feeling profound changes or the need for profound changes in regard to your family or your career don’t worry about it. You are right where you are supposed to be. Staying in alignment with our own heart center and our own true purpose is the most important thing.


  1. With an overabundance of gratitude for your shared wisdom, I am powerfully enlightened, and greatly inspired to begin my intended focus on the forthcoming FULL MOON. Peace, and ongoing Blessings to you, and your loved ones!

  2. I love you so much. Thank you for your guidance and knowledge


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